Asylum ( Book Club )

  • Page 15

    Dan arrives at Brookline and finds a picture with the mans eyes scratched out
  • Page 22

    Dan and Abby meet
  • Page 35

    Dan, Abby, and Jordan go into the wardens office for the first time and find pictures of the patients from Brookline
  • Page 44

    Dan had visions of strange rooms with gurneys and torture devices in them
  • Page 47

    Dan did research on the history of Brookline
  • Pages 78 and 84

    Dan asks Abby out and they go on their first date
  • Page 101

    They find a secret passage leading to the basement from the wardens office
  • Page 107

    They found the cards with patient info on them and a hall monitor (Joe) caught them in the Wardens office
  • Page 115-116

    Dan reads the card on the sculptor and finds that he recovered, he also reads a note that the Warden wrote on his unconventional ways of 'curing' his patients.
  • Page 126

    Dan gets a creepy note on his desk with non explanation on how it got there
  • Page 133

    Dan went to visit Sal and was kicked out of their house when they found out what his name was
  • Page 140

    Abby tells Dan and Jordan that she thinks her aunt was a patient in the asylum
  • Page 160

    Dan, Abby, and Jordan get in a huge fight
  • Page 174

    Dan goes down to the basement alone, finds a music box to Lucy and the 2nd basement
  • Page 181

    Dan finds the operating amphitheater, blacked out and was woken up by Abby and they make up
  • Page 191

    They find out that Joe was murdered
  • Page 209

    Dan discovers that he might be related to someone connected with the asylum
  • Page 221

    Dan finds Yi half dead on the staircase
  • Page 239

    Someone was sending texts from Dan's phone and Felix was almost killed
  • Page 269

    Dan finds out the truth about the Crawford family and that he might be related to the Warden
  • Page 272

    Dan finds Sal Weathers hanging in the forest by the church
  • Page 284-end

    someone trapped Dan and Abby in the basement and knocked them out. they found out that Felix was behind all of the things that were going on at Brookline (they think the Sculptor was in his body), the cops arrested him and brought him to a hospital to get him help. then everyone leave Brookline.