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ASUO 2012: A political hack?

  • Fake website created

    Fake website created
    A website purporting to be a Google Calendar Integration tool is put online and sent to ASUO vice presidential candidate Lamar Wise. When visited, the website gathered his log-in information and accessed his account.
  • Wise loses access to his Gmail account

    Wise loses access to his Gmail account
    The website, allegedly created by the campaign staff for the Katie and Alex slate, locks Wise out of his Gmail account.
  • Wise detects phonebank errors

    As Wise begins making campaign phone calls, he realizes the numbers are wrong. Wise believes the errors in the phonebank are connected to the website hack.
  • Wise regains access to his Gmail account

  • Katie and Alex hear the news

    Katie and Alex hear the news
    Members of the Katie and Alex slate are allegedly first made away for the accused actions.
  • Primary elections results released

    Primary elections results released
    At 5 p.m. on Friday afternoon, the results for the primary election are posted. Wise and presidential running-mate Ben Bowman lose out to the We Are Oregon and Katie and Alex slates and are eliminated from contention.
  • Denson admits involvement

    Denson admits involvement
    Katie and Alex campaigner and former OSPIRG chair Charles Denson confesses his involvement in the website hack. According to former ASUO president Sam Dotters-Katz, Denson hired ASUO University Affairs Manny Garcia to assist in making the website.
  • Ben and Lamar file grievence

    Ben and Lamar file grievence
    Bowman and Wise file for an immediate injunction on the election until the phone-bank lists are returned to normal.
  • Katie Taylor issues statement

    Katie Taylor issues statement
    "We made it a standard to run a clean campaign and I am extremely disappointed that this isolated incident has occurred where two individuals exercised extremely poor judgment," the statement said. "It saddens me immensely that this has occurred, as the rest of the Katie and Alex team, as well as the Ben and Lamar team, ran an amazing outreach drive to engage students on extremely important matters. The individuals responsible for this have been removed from the campaign."