Ptolemy describes the geocentirc model of the universe -
His first and seconedd laws of planetary od otion is anounced -
The first law of planetary motion is announced. -
Henry Draper
is the first to take a picture of the first stellar spetrum of Vega -
Asoph Hall
he is the first to discover phobos and Deimons, the two moons of Mars -
Henrietta Swan Levitte
she descover Cephied variables -
He shows that galaxies outside the Milky Way galaxy. -
Robert Goddard
uses first lquid rcket fuil -
Clyde Tombugh
Discovers Pluto -
Karl Jansky
HE discovers cosmic radio waves -
Grote Reber
First radio telescope buit. -
John Glenn
The first man to orbit Earth -
Eileen Collins
The fist woman shuttle comander