determined location of 860 stars -
he had made theory about sun the moon and earth were spinning around -
he figured out how to find the distance from earth to the sun and moon, when moon is exactly half full and must be exactly 90 degrees -
he had two theories on that everything was made parts of everything else and second that postulation of mind -
Apr 15, 1543
Nicolaus Copernicus
believed earth was just another planet by looking at ptolemy theory he found out other planets and how it actually rotated -
Tycho Brahe
if earhts orbits around the sun position of near star orbits 6 months apart -
johannes Kepler
three laws of planetary motion sun at one foces
1.The orbit of a planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one of the two foci. 2.A line segment joining a planet and the Sun sweeps out equal areas during equal intervals of time. 3.The square of the orbital period of a planet is proportional to the cube of the semi-major axis of its orbit. -
Galileo Galillei
new invention wich was the telescope to observe stuff such as moon stars and othe planets out there -
Sir Isaac Newtion
he explained gravity as the force that holds the planets in orbit around the sun -
first to classify areas of human knowledge into dicipline such as mathmathics and biology formalized the system of resoning -
he found the way to find the circumfrence of the earth