Cave man and Astronomy
When cave men became Shepards, they had more time than when they had no food or water. Thats when interest of the universe took place, and why there were stars, moons, ect. Cave men decided that earth was a island circled by bright objects due to the star re-apperances, and where they supposedly ended. -
When men became shepards, and handled with agriculture, they looked into the stars alot, and noticed them moving alot aswell. Thus making them into believing that the stars were alive. Also the sun represented the children of the moon breaking away. -
Good and evil stars
As men experienced the harsh and good conditions, Just by looking at the stars and their type of shape/constellation.They used the stars to determine what type of condition was apparently going to appear, Going by the type of symbol being shown. -
First Astronomer
Men decided to build cities with towers to help bring man closer towards the sky. That's when the first Astronomers started appearing. They studied the earth, and it's sky. They kept changing their ideas about the Earth, and what it might be. But after thought after thought. They decided that the Earth was to be stars moving around a flat earth, with Elephants holding up the Earth, and with a Huge tortise holding up the universe throught waters. -
The universe was one of the ways that people started to get civilized for. That's because when people wanted to know more about something, they group up and discussed about it. That's how they were able to make such buildings for just the concept of Astronomy. -
Egyptians thought that earth was a reclining figure with another figure that covered the stars and a god that kept them apart, with a boat representing as the sun sailing around the star figure. -
Greeks were the first learned men of Astronomy, but had many different types of theories. They would argue about what earth is and how it wortks around the universe. But eventually thought that earth was the center of the universe followed by stars and astroids, that move around the Earth. -
Greeks knowledge
Greeks had the most theories about the Universe and the way it works, because of the civilization that was put up in greece. They all had their theories, but none of them were quite right. -
1000+ years of thinking
There was 1000 years of people wondering after the greeks decided that the Earth was the center of the earth, immovable with stars and astroids moving around it. During the 1000 years+ there was a period of stupidity,superstition, and sourcery. -
Jan 1, 1400
Renaissance Astronomy
As people believed that earth was the center of the earth for more than 1,000 years, a man during the time of the Renaissance by the name of Nicolaus Copernicus proved that Earth was not the center of the earth. Nick proved that earth was not the center of the universe by using mathematics. He theroized that the earth was one of many planets circling the sun. -
In 1610 Galileo published a book about the universe as being spheres of light, instead of spots of light. All this was done using a telescope. That's how he was able to find out how the planets like Jupiter adn Mars looked like. -
All types of people had there theory about the Earth, and how it works, or what works around the earth. People have theorized so much, that it would just make no sense. Such as earth being a cube, or earth being the center of the universe.