Apr 29, 1120
Egypt Construction Observitory
Possibly the first construction observitory built in midevil Islam; however the paron of the observitory was founded guilty o several crimes and was sentenced to death-causing the program to be shutdown and destroyed. -
Apr 29, 1420
Centeral Asia
An observitory was built by astronomer, Ulugh Beg, that contained outdoors instruments, and producedasronomical tables that inclueded a catolag of one-thousand stars. -
Apr 29, 1543
Copernicus - Poland
Copernicus published his heliocentric theory of the universe. -
Apr 29, 1572
Tycho Brahe discovered a supernova constillation of Cassiopeia. -
Johann Bayer introduces Bayer designation of stars, assigning Greek letter to each star; as used today. -
Hans Lippershey invented the telescope. -
The first reflective telescope was built b Newton. -
Geminiano Montanari discovers the star Algol is not steady in brightness. -
While in Paris, Danish astronomer Ole Romer measures the speed of light. -
The discovery of Uranus by Herschel.