

  • 30,000 BCE

    the frozen Bering Strait

    30,000 BC Asian hunter-gatherers had crossed over the frozen Bering Strait to become first humans in North America.
  • 3 BCE

    britain becomes an island

    ~6,000 B.C.Europe.End of land bridge between Britain and continental Europe. Britain becomes an island.
  • 1 BCE

    the big bang theory

    between 13 and 20 billions of years the big bang probably happened
  • 1 BCE

    the people of north america traveled to Argentina

    ~10,000 B.C. South America.Those who crossed over on Bering Strait into North America had traveled as far south as Argentina by this point.
  • 1 BCE

    pentre ifan is built

    3,500 B.C. Wales Pentre Ifan is built.
  • 1 BCE

    newgrange tomb is buit

    ~3,200 B.C.Ireland.The Newgrange tomb is built.
  • 1 BCE

    earliest records of greeks

    ~1,450 B.C. Greece Earliest records of Greek, the earliest records of any European language
  • 1 BCE

    first solar and lunar calendar

    ~2,000 B.C.Egypt and Mesopotamia.First solar-lunar calendars
  • 1 BCE

    balnuaran of calva were built

    ~2,000-1,500 B.C.Scotland.The cairns, Balnuaran of Clava, were built.
  • 1 BCE

    present day turkey

    1,260 B.C. Greece, Troy (present-day Turkey) Trojan War
  • 1 CE

    structures of carnac were built

    ~4,500 B.C.Brittany (France).The megalithic structures of Carnac were built.
  • 1 CE

    stonehenge are put into place

    ~3,000 B.C. England The main stones of Stonehenge are put into place.
  • 1 CE

    bronze introduce in britain

    ~1,700 B.C. Britain Bronze introduced in Britain