Astronomers Throughout History

By erikk
  • Period: 2000 BCE to


  • 127


    1. He discovered the movement of the equinoxes.
    2. He made the first star catalog.
  • 1300

    Claudius Ptolemy

    Claudius Ptolemy
    1. He made the geometric theory.
    2. He discovered refraction and reflection.
  • 1510

    Nicolaus Copernicus.

    Nicolaus Copernicus.
    1. He came up with the heliocentric system, and wrote about it in the Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium, which caused much controversy in the church.
    2. He also discovered the Earth's axial tilt, which creates our seasons.
  • Johannes Kepler

    Johannes Kepler
    1. He discovered elliptical orbits of the earth.
    2. He did work on optics and geometry.
  • Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei
    1. He improved the telescope.
    2. He had a heliocentric belief system.
  • Sir Isaac Newton

    Sir Isaac Newton
    1. He formulated the laws of motion.
    2. He invented calculus.
  • Henrietta Leavitt.

    Henrietta Leavitt.
    1. She discovered that stars pulsate.
    2. She measured distance between galaxies.
  • Henrietta Leavitt.

    Henrietta Leavitt.
    1. She discovered that stars pulsate.
    2. She measured the distance between galaxies.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    1. He formulated the law of relativity.
    2. He explained the photoelectric effect.
  • Edwin Hubble.

    Edwin Hubble.
    1. He discovered that galaxies are moving away from us.
    2. He had a telescope named after him.
  • Stephen Hawking.

    Stephen Hawking.
    1. He discovered that blackholes emit radiation.
    2. He had an 160 IQ.