4500 BCE
The megalithic structures of Carnac were built.
In Brittany (France)the megalithic sturctures of Carnac were built. -
2000 BCE
First solar-lunar calendars
In Egypt and Mesopotamia the first solar- Lunar calender was created. -
280 BCE
First estimation of Earth to Sun Distance is released
Aristarchus suggests the Earth revolves around the Sun. He provides first estimation of Earth-Sun distance. -
130 BCE
First accurate star map is released
Hipparchus develops the first acccurate star map and star catalogue with over 850 of the brightest stars. -
THe first observatory is built
Construction of an observatory in Cairo was begun in 1120 A.D. This is possibly the first observatory built in Medieval Islam. Unfortunately, the patron of the observatory was found guilty of several crimes including communication with Saturn, and was sentenced to death. The observatory was then destroyed in 1125 A.D. and the personnel were forced to flee for their lives. -
Invention of Telexcope
Netherlands, Hans Lippershey, a Dutch spectacles maker invents the telescope. -
The first reflecting telescope was created.
In England The first reflecting telescope was built by Newton.