
  • Period: 85 to 165


  • 125

    Ptolemy: Discovery

    Created geocentric model of the universe (Ptolemaic System). This was the accepted model of the universe for a VERY long time.
  • Period: 903 to 986


  • 940

    Azophi: Discovery

    Azophi was the first to observe the Andromeda galaxy from Earth.
  • Period: 1473 to 1543


  • 1514

    Copernicus: Discovery

    Copernicus: Discovery
    Copernicus created the first heliocentric model of the universe. This model was not accepted for a VERY long time.
  • Period: 1564 to

    Galileo Galilei

  • Period: 1571 to

    Johannes Kepler

  • Galilei: Discovery

    Galilei: Discovery
    Galileo discovered four of Jupiter's primary moons and the rings surrounding Saturn. He also improved upon the optical telescope, allowing it to be further magnified.
  • Kepler: Discovery

    Kepler created three laws: The Law of Orbits, The Law of Areas, and The Law of Periods. These describe the movement of the planets across the sky. They also describe the movements of planets as elliptical rather than circular.
  • Period: to

    Giovanni Cassini

  • Period: to

    Christiaan Huygens

  • Period: to

    Sir Isaac Newton

  • Period: to

    Edmond Halley

  • Huygens: Discovery

    Discovered Saturn's biggest moon Titan. He also created a theory on light nature.
  • Cassini: Discovery

    Cassini discovered 4 moons surrounding Saturn and more rings. He also discovered how long Jupiter's rotation took and how long Mar's rotation took.
  • Newton: Discovery

    Newton: Discovery
    Newton discovered what gravity was. He also created his three laws of the motion of forces.
  • Halley: Discovery

    Halley noticed a reoccurrence of a comet in the sky. He saw that there was a pattern involved in the years it had been spotted. He soon made the conclusion that this was in fact the same comet, Halley's comet.
  • Period: to

    Charles Messier

  • Messier: Discovery

    In his lifetime, Messier discovered at least 13 comets. He also created a database called Nebulae that contains the names and descriptions of objects in the sky.
  • Period: to

    Albert Einstein

  • Period: to

    Edwin Hubble

  • Einstein: Discovery

    Einstein: Discovery
    Einstein discovered that the speed of light is constant. He also created the theory of spacial relativity.
  • Hubble: Discovery

    Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding, known as Hubble's law. He also created a classification system that astronomers still use today.
  • Period: to

    Carl Sagan

  • Period: to

    Stephen Hawking

  • Sagan: Discovery

    Sagan observed the high temperature of Venus' surface and the seasonal changes that occur on Mars.
  • Hawking: Discovery

    Hawking: Discovery
    Hawking came up with a theory that if the universe began with the Big Bang Theory it must end at some point, possibly with black holes. He also discovered that black holes emit radiation, known as Hawking radiation.