
Astronomers (School Project)

By TylerJD
  • 350

    What's up?

    What's up?
    Someone in ancient Greece decided to look up and go what the @#$% is up there and so astronomy was born and became a part of mathematics
  • 1350

    That Giant Star could be the center of everything

    That Giant Star could be the center of everything
    Nicolaus Copernicus thinks outside of common knowledge like a lunatic and proposes the earth isn't the center of the universe
  • Kepler destroys Plato with his brain

    Kepler destroys Plato with his brain
    Kepler writes books that disproves Plato's theory on how planets move with a more mathematical explanation
  • Galileo fights god on how the world works

    Galileo fights god on how the world works
    By using his telescope Galileo committed heresy by saying that everything doesn't revolve around the earth. Why wouldn't God make us the center of everything
  • Isaac Newton gets brain damage from an apple

    Isaac Newton gets brain damage from an apple
    While sitting beneath an apple tree just daring an apple to attack. Issac Newton was struck by an apple there for proving objects were attracted to the ground.
  • Snapshot

    Astronomers Jean Foucault and Armand Fizeau take photos of the sun through a telescope that led other astronomers to do the same with planets and the moon
  • The theory found in his mustache

    The theory found in his mustache
    The German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild laid the groundwork for the black hole theory
  • The Universe is expanding fast and furious

    The Universe is expanding fast and furious
    Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding and that the further away a galaxy is the faster it is moving
  • It's a planet

    It's a planet
    Clyde Tombaugh discovers the wonderful planet, Pluto
  • Taking steps toward space

    Taking steps toward space
    Wernher Von Braun creates the first V2 rocket for use in WW2 the rockets would later be captured and remade by the US and USSR
  • USSR Vs USA the start

    USSR Vs USA the start
    A large group of Russian astronomers launches Sputnick into orbit becoming the first satellite above the earth.
  • Behind in the space race

    Behind in the space race
    The USA creates NASA prompting many American astronomers to join and help with the space race
  • USSR takes a victory

    USSR takes a victory
    All of the US probes part of the Pioneer project fail while the Russians Luna project brings the first photos of the moon's surface back to earth
  • First man in Orbit

    First man in Orbit
    Russian astronaut Yuri Gagarin becomes the first man to orbit the Earth with John Glenn being the first American in orbit following behind
  • Ripples left over

    Ripples left over
    Cosmic Microwave Background was discovered as a leftover from the big bang 13 million years ago
  • In orbit of something other than earth

    In orbit of something other than earth
    The US finally gets a victory and with Apollo 8 becomes the first to orbit around another celestial body
  • Michael Collins

    Michael Collins
    Apollo 11 Lands on the moon with Buzz Aldredge and Neil Armstrong conduct a moonwalk as Michael Collins is left behind in the lander
  • Space Stations

    Space Stations
    Russia Launches the Salyut 1 into orbit because they can't reach the moon
  • Black Holes really do exist and no one can say otherwise

    Black Holes really do exist and no one can say otherwise
    Charles Thomas Bolton produced irrefutable evidence that black holes exist
  • Not a very comfortable planet

    Not a very comfortable planet
    Russian probe Venera 9 landed on venus and took photos of the planet's surface
  • Voyagers

    The Nasa probe Voyager 2 is launched
  • Tragedy

    Nasa's space flight program comes to a halt after the space shuttle challenger explodes
  • Pluto is still a planet

    Pluto is still a planet
    IAU drafts a new definition of a planet
  • Photo of something you can't see

    Photo of something you can't see
    The first photo of a black hole was taken
  • USSF

    The United States creates the space force adding it to their military branch