astronaot academy

By Achiya
  • School here I come's

    School here I come's
    . Hakata Soi comes to school
  • Miyumi San

    Miyumi San
    Hakata met Miyumi San a girl who can throw a fire balls when she's become mad.
  • The story beyond Hakata

    The story beyond Hakata
    Bunny girl see *Hakata* and tell to her friends about him, she said He saved her home plant from evil people with bird costume.
  • Hakata the Robot

    Hakata the Robot
    ***robot*** who looks like ***Hakata*** comes to school and his only mission it's to kill Hakata
  • The meeting

    The meeting
    1. the robot who looks like Hakata have an accident who leading him to the school psychology and the meeting with him make the robot confuse. so the psychology give him a book who supposed help the robot to do the right decision.
  • When Hakata meets Robot Hakata

    When Hakata meets Robot Hakata
    The Robot meets Hakata and Miyumi and try to kill them both
    Hakata and Miyumi run away *Hakata** and **Miyumi*** don't know what to do and suddenly the *****Robot***** take the book that the psychologist gave him and start reading about
    "what really makes you happy"

    *******Miyumi******* become's really mad and throw a **huge** fire ball on the ********Robot******** and the Robot got *********KAAAAA-BOOOOM**********
  • THE END????!

    THE END????!
    The and of the year?
    Hakata comes to Miyumi to the summer and everyone happy so this is the end.
    or it's not? because while Hakata and Miyumi enjoy the summer they are a couple of birds who not enjoy from the situation sooooooo see you an the next book?☻