Stock Market Crash
- Reality caught up with the stock markets
- Panic investors sold 16 shoes in a day
- Many other stocks were sold completey
- This time period was known as "black tuesday"
- Investores commited sucide beause they had nothing
- When the markets collapsed, it was a down turning point for America
Period: to
Assignment 5 : The Great Depression and The New Deal
Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act
- It was passed by congress in 1830
- It made matters worse for America
- This act was suppose to protect farmers and manufacteed goods, but it back fired
- The farmers were unable to sell their goods
Emergency baking Relief Act
- FDR encouraged them to pass this law
- Finical hunting were allowed open
- It began to trust banks again
- Many people were helped because it allowed them to get money
- 5 Million dollars went to people that needed it
The New Deal
- It was a recovery for the economy
- Reform of America's symsetms
- PDA funds were to build schools and create jobs
- FDR closed all banks known as a "bank hoilday"
The Dust Bowl
- It created a huge diaster
- People left their homes and moved t other states
- Poor land practice created the dust bwl
- People had to ajust to new living standards
- The precipitation was too cold and land was plowed up decades before the dust bowl hit
Social Security Act
- It was signed in 1935 into law by FDR
- The social security would be paid by a payroll tax
- It was a major turning point in America's history
- It didn't favor buisness profits
- This act also didn't have responsibilty for the welfare if profit was reaped
Agricultural Adjustment Act
- It was to help stop gap measures, intended to buy time
- Plan for govn't to be a buyer when prices were low
- It required farmers to plow under crops, plant, and slaughter livestock
- To enduce the ammount of foods
- It would boost income who lived on the land
The Grapes of Warth
- It was a book written by John Steinbeck
- It was based off of a family in Philadelphia
- The book was about human toll of the Dust Bowl -It was the best seller and the debate between dust bowl and migrants
New American Dream
- One that moved on wheels
- The city was in Detroit which led to the new dream
- The dream was to drie fast and cut lose
- It gave a chance to begin again
- No one in history attracked so many imigrants
- Jews left their families to come to America
Attack on Pearl Harbor
- After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, FDR made a speeh that said it was "a date that will live infamy."
- The strike against America caught them by surprise
- They bmbed Pearl Harbr and 2,400 American's were dead
- 188 aircrafts were destroyed
- It led to WW2 the next day