Assignment 3, week 2b

  • Adolf Hitler was born

    Adolf was born in Braunau, Australia.
  • Hitler orders SA to turn away customers at Jewish shops

    People would vandalize the Jewish shops.
  • Hitler banned all the Jews

    Hitler had banned all of the Jews from public places. An example was, Jews were not able to go to the public park.
  • the Nuremberg law was created

    This law had denied the Germans their citizenships rights.
  • Jews were restricted from professional activities

    this meant that they couldn't doctors, teachers, and many more jobs that were very important to a society.
  • The Aryanisation of Jewish businesses

    It was becoming more and more common for Jewish businesses to taken down or confiscated.
  • Jewish children were not allowed to attend German schools.

    This was an act that had greatly affected Jewish kids because they were being deprived of an education.
  • Jews were not allowed to run any shops

    This had forced many Jewish business owners to have to close their businesses leaving them with no source of income.
  • Hitler had invaded the Soviet Union

    This had been considered one of the biggest land wars in history.
  • declared war on the United States

    During this time, Hitler had also declared war on the United States.
  • Adolf Hitler's death

    Hitler and his wife had decided to end their lives, and they both committed suicide.