Assignment 3: Reading History Timeline

  • Reading with Parents

    Reading with Parents
    Being read to as a child motivated me to learn how to read and practice my pronunciation. Additionally, I was able to bond with my parents and read along. I added this to the timeline because it influenced the want to read books. I was exposed to new words and diverse stories.
  • Starfall

    I was introduced to the educational website, Starfall. It includes books, movies, music, and more. I added this to the timeline because it was an engaging way to read and progress in my comprehension skills. While using this website, I found reading as enjoyment, rather than learning.
  • Being read to: The House on Mango Street

    Being read to: The House on Mango Street
    The House on Mango Street explores identity and cultural heritage. It was about a girl growing up in the Hispanic quarter of Chicago. I added this to the timeline because I gained an understanding of Latina representation and the struggles immigrant communities face. It impacted the perspectives I had on my belonging and future dreams.
  • Scholastic Book Fairs

    Scholastic Book Fairs
    The Scholastic book fair became increasingly popular and gained my interest. It offered a wide selection of books from various genres, levels, and more. It impacted the way reading was seen at school. Reading was celebrated. I added this to the timeline because it boosted curiosity and engagement with books for all students.
  • Writing a Class Book

    Writing a Class Book
    In the third grade, I made a class book about myself and any story of my choosing. I wrote about friendship. I added this to the timeline because it was an engaging and creative way to include reading and writing. When I received the book we created, I was amazed at the different stories other peers wrote. I was excited to read about them and their stories.
  • Reading to Lower Grade Levels

    Reading to Lower Grade Levels
    In the fourth grade, I would read to a first-grade student. I was able to practice my reading skills and pronunciation. I added this to the timeline because it impacted my confidence to read out loud to another person.
  • Reading Esperanza Rising

    Reading Esperanza Rising
    Reading Esperanza Rising was another book that contained parts of my cultural background. As a young girl, it impacted my reading experience because I saw bits of myself in the book. I could relate to the wisdom and strength of women. I added this to the timeline because I resonated with the experiences of Esperanza and learned cultural understanding.
  • Sketch Notes

    Sketch Notes
    Sketch Notes was a note-taking approach that I was introduced to in high school. It focused more on personal understanding rather than a length requirement. I added this to the timeline because it was a practical way to summarize a passage, chapter, or lesson. It influenced my attention to detail and enhanced my creativity.
  • Assigned to Read The Great Gatsby

    Assigned to Read The Great Gatsby
    Reading The Great Gatsby intrigued and brought curiosity to reading. It sparked emotion and predictions on what events might occur. I added this to the timeline because I was engaged in critical thinking while understanding historical contexts. The language and style of the book was engaging and entertaining. It shaped how I explored literature and the books I took an interest in.
  • Reading Socratic Circle/Seminar

    Reading Socratic Circle/Seminar
    After reading a two-sided argumentative paper, I had to discuss and argue an appointed side. I added this to the timeline because it was a nerve-wracking activity. However, I was able to practice my critical and creative thinking. I participated in active listening and effective communication. Also, it shaped my expression to synthesize information independently through dialogue.