Atari joystick

Introduction To Game Design - Activity 1

By CGull
  • Space Invaders

    Space Invaders
    My two older brothers and I had to wait until Christmas 1980 to gain possession of the Atari console so we could join the legions of gamers already playing Space Invaders (Taito 1978). With its hulking 128 bytes of RAM, the 2600 kept us entertained from that Christmas morning until, one by one over the next few years, we all discovered girls. Taito 1978, Space Invaders, video game, Atari 2600, Leisure & Allied Industries.
  • Summer Games

    Summer Games
    Summer Games (Epyx 1984) brought our family another reason to gather round and get some gaming in. My dad was notoriously horrible at any game, and that was fun for us all.
    Considering the players of this game were myself, two older brothers and dad, we of course all had typically crass and childish names for our little avatars, which I shall omit for everyone's sake. :) Epyx 1984, Summer Games, video game, Commodore 64, Epyx.
  • Bomberman (Free Magazine Edition)

    Bomberman (Free Magazine Edition)
    In the mid 80s, computer magazines would sometimes have a free game attached, and one week I got a complimentary iteration of Bomberman (Hudson Soft 1983). This game provided the family with thrills during festive gatherings as it was one of the first games to allow multiple players at the same time. I'm still the reigning champion. ;) Hudson Soft 1983, Bomberman, video game, Atari 1040 ST, Konami.
  • Phantasmagoria

    Roberta Williams broke ground with this game which featured live actors in a computer generated environment. The story of a young couple who renovate an old house and uncover horrific, past events along the way, provided plenty of genuinely scary moments.
    Great game for its time with a less than stella sequel. Sierra On-Line 1995, Phantasmagoria, video game, Windows PC, Sierra On-Line.
  • Goldeneye

    Goldeneye (Rare 1997) was a game changer for first person shooters. Once again, and for the last time, my family was pitted against each other, this time for bragging rights regarding best shot and coolest secret agent ever. It was so funny when the target saw they were in the sniper site, in the quarter screen display. Rare 1997, Goldeneye, video game, Nintendo 64, Nintendo.
  • World Of Warcraft

    World Of Warcraft
    I entered the world of Azeroth after the Wrath Of The Lich King (Blizzard Entertainment 2008) expansion and fast became a fan of MMORPGs.
    As Ichris the Warlock, I traversed the varied landscapes both on foot and flying through the clouds on the back of a Frost Wyrm, and I knew I had found my place in the gaming world. Blizzard Entertainment 2004, World Of Warcraft, video game, Windows PC, Blizzard Entertainment.
  • The Elder Scrolls Online

    The Elder Scrolls Online
    As a big fan of the franchise, The Elder Scrolls Online (ZeniMax Online Studios 2014) was a must have. Ten years and thousands of hours of game time later, I still enjoy taking in the scenery whilst farming for materials in my favourite zones. An hour or so of gathering ore and plants really relaxes me. (source: player screenshot) ZeniMax Online Studios 2014, The Elder Scrolls Online, video game, Windows PC, Bethesda Softworks.
  • Fortnite

    I came quite late to Fortnite (Epic Game 2017) but now it's one of the activities I look forward to every Friday night, combining some fun gaming with drinks, snacks and 'interesting' conversation within teams.
    For the first time in my gaming career, I spoke with people in-game from various countries, via a mic and it has opened up a new world to me. Epic Games 2017, Fortnite, video game, Playstation 4, Epic Games.