Assignment 1:Silk Road

By Anjeli
  • 1045 BCE

    Zhou Dynasty

    Zhou Dynasty
    Gold,jade and silk had been a trading material between Europe and Western Asia.In the 6th century tomb the advanced Zhou Dynasty had found silk in Germany.(1045-221 BC)
  • 206 BCE

    Han Empire

    Han Empire
    People traded silk within the empire's interior to the western borders.Internal trades were to prevent attacks of nomadic tribe and trade caravans.To protect the internal tribes Han had sent the General Zhang to make a relationship with their allies and Asian states.(206BC-220AD)
  • 200 BCE


    Until the 10th century the sogdians had dominated the Silk Road trade.Also for products to reach Asia and Europe the had to go through sogdian territories.Sogdians were merchants and middlemen for more than 1,000 years for the Silk Road.(200BC-1000AD)
  • 618

    Tang Dynasty

    Tang Dynasty
    In the early Tang Dynasty the Silk Road was controlled by Turkic tribes in the Xinjiang routes.Later the Tang Dynasty had reopened the route and kept on promoting trade.Sodian and Tang had established trade network.Also Tang's government had lost control of the Western Region.(618-917AD)
  • 960

    Song Empire

    Song Empire
    The Song Empire was powerful.The Song Dynasty had thought that
    they could get the land of the Western Xia so that they could get the lucrative Silk Road so it can benefit some other dynasties.(960-1279 AD)
  • 1271

    Yuan Dynasty

    Yuan Dynasty
    The trade on the Silk Road had been revived and reached it's time when it was powerful during the Yuan Dynasty.The Mongols had promotes trade in their big empire.Marco Polo had went to the capital of Yuan and issued the government to merchants so that they can protect the trade and free any movement in the country.(1271-1368 AD).