Charles Darwin
Charles Darwin FEB 12, 1809 – APR 19, 1882
Charles Darwin was most famous for his Theory of Evolution. He stated that all creatures evolve from other creatures. His main study for this was his Voyage on the HMS Beagle to where he Sailed around the world collecting fossils and comparing them as well as observing the subtle differences of similar creatures across different geographical locations. He went on to say these creatures evolve based on environment and the desire to survive. -
Charles Darwin
During his time in Chile' while on his expedition, Darwin experienced an earthquake. He noticed that the land had been raised. As he explored high in the Andes Mountains he discovered seashells and tree fossils that grow on sand beaches. He theorised that as land rose, oceanic islands sank and coral reefs round them grew to for atolls. -
Charles Darwin
During his time in the Galapagos islands, Darwin looked for evidence attaching wildlife to a "center of creation". He saw similarities in mockingbirds allied to those in Chile' but differing from island to island. He also saw slight variations in turtle shells telling which island they came from. In Australia, the marsupial rat-kangaroo and the platypus seemed so unusual that he thought there were two creators at work. -
Charles Darwin
Nearly 6 months after he returned he wrote his Red Notebook, speculating that one species does change into another. He went on later in his B notebook to explain that variations in offspring adapt or alter the race to changing world. He used his observations of the Galapagos tortoises and mockingbirds. This when on to prove his theory of evolution and origin.