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Timeline project

  • Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assasination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand the heir of the Austro-Hungarian throne was killed due to his perceived threat to Serbian independence.
  • Austria declares war

    Austria declares war
    After the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the Austro-Hungarian government declared war on Serbia. It is known as one of the most tragic conflicts in history.
  • Battle of Marne

    Battle of Marne
    The battle of Marne marked the end of Germany's sweep through France and the beginning of the French warfare. While Germany had initial success but due to the lack of reinforcements the French were able to take victory on the 12 of September. The battle or Marne resulted in over 168,000 casualties for the Germans and a combined 110,000 casualties for the allied forces.
  • Christmas truce

    Christmas truce
    After a few months of being at war and living in cold muddy conditions, on Christmas eve German soldiers can be heard singing "silent night" in the near distance, which Britain responded by singing along with "The first Noel".On Christmas day German soldiers decided to approach the British territory in hopes of a truce. The British excepted it and they celebrated by sharing food and greetings with each other.
  • Germany blockade

    Germany blockade
    The German government puts up a blockade in an attempt to starve the country into yielding.
  • Gallipoli peninsula campaign

    Gallipoli peninsula campaign
    The allied forces, Britain, Australia, New Zealand, Indian, and French took part in the Gallipoli campaign, which was a strategy made to allow allied ships to pass through the Dardanelles and take the ottoman empire out of the war.
  • Lustiana ship

    Lustiana ship
    German submarine sInks ship, Lusitania while crossing from New York to Liverpool. Resulted in the death of 128 Americans.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The battle of Verdun was fought on the Western front in France. This battle was one of the longest lasting battles in world history, resulting in about 400,000 French killed and about 350.000 Germans killed.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    This war was fought by Troops of the British empire and the French third Republic in France. Allied forces were able to get Germany to retreat after repeatedly and effectively attacking them. British forces suffered over 420,000 casualties while Germany had about 450,000.
  • War on Germany

    War on Germany
    Congress approves of the United states declaring war on Germany in retaliation for the submarine attack from them.
  • Selective service act

    Selective service act
    The selective service act authorizes the federal government to temporarily expand the military through conscription. This act prompted all men ages 21-45 years old to register for military service for America. About 24 million men registered to fight in the war
  • Russia signs Armistice with Germany

    Russia signs Armistice with Germany
    Russia signs Armistice with Germany marking Russia's final withdrawal from the war resulting in Russia losing most of their territorial areas.
  • United States victory

    United States victory
    American commanders approached the war with specialized teams of tanks, artillery, engineers, etc with the intent to capture the village of Cantigny, resulting in them winning against Germany with about 1,603 casualties.
  • Yugoslavia gains independance

    Yugoslavia gains independance
    During WW1 to become allies was the main goal for the government of the Yugoslavia committee and the Kingdom of Serbia.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The treaty of Versailles was signed at the palace of Versailles. This treaty was one of few known to end the war.