Old aspirin


  • 400

    willow leaves

    willow leaves
    400bc: Greek physician prescribe barks and leaves of willow tree to relieve pain and fever (in rich substance called salicin).
  • Experiment

    1832: German chemist experiment salicin and creates salicylic acid.
  • Distrubution

    1899: Bayer distributes aspirin powder to physicians and soon aspirin is no.1 drug in the world.
  • Prescription no more

    1915: Aspirin can be bought with no prescription. In tablet form.
  • Treatment

    1920s: Use to treat symptoms like rheumatism, lumbago and neuralgia.
  • 400 people

    400 people
    1948: Dr. Lawrence Craven notice 400 people he prescribed to eat aspirin don’t suffer heart attacks.
  • Childrens chewable aspirin

    Childrens chewable aspirin
    1952: Children’s chewable aspirin introduce.
  • Apollo astronauts

    1969: Bayer aspirin brought with Apollo astronauts.
  • Understand

    Early 1970s: Medical world begin to understand how aspirin works.
  • Easy to swallow

    Easy to swallow
    1984: Toleraid microcoating added for easier to swallow.
  • Lifesaver

    1988: Aspirin can become potential lifesaver.
  • Used for

    Used for
    1997: Aspirin is now used for heart attacks, strokes, pregnancy problems, diabetes and dementia.