Asian Philosophies

  • 2000 BCE


    Arguably the world’s oldest religion
    It begins as a polytheistic tradition much like Greek/Roman mythologies
    Over time, it develops into one of the most diverse set of philosophical and religious ideas the world as ever seen
  • 500 BCE


    Begins in India, but it does not stay there
    A historical trend of moving across cultural and political borders and changing as it encounters other views of the world
    Siddhartha Gautama is the founder
  • 500 BCE


    Starts with Confucius
    Probably a real historical character
    Lives from about 551-479 BCE (between the Zhou and Qin dynasties), the Warring States period
    Writes primarily about ethics and political philosophy
    Confucius has a hierarchical view of the ideal society
    His notion of individual wellbeing is tied to that
    Five Key Relationships (leader/follower)
    Father and Son
    Elder Brother and Younger Brother
    Husband and Wife
    Older Friend and Younger Friend
    Ruler and Subject