200 BC
The han dynastry has put both northern and southern china together to make a mega empire. The koreans and japanese have been expanding there areas in iron works going into the bronze age. -
Asian Fact #1
Asia has given birth to some of the oldest civilizations in the world. Which in my opion is awesome, because I am asian and it's nice to know my motherland did good things. Plus some of the civilizations are the Chinese civilization, and the Mesopotamia. -
Period: 200 to
ASian Timespan
Fact #2
Although China is the third largest country, but it still has 1 time zone throughout the country. -
500 BC
The Zhou Dynasty has seperated the Chinese Empire into states/provinces. The Korean have divided into cheifdoms and is adjusting. Groups of koreans are migrating to Japan. -
May 19, 600
Fact #3
Asia has the world tallest and lowest peaks. Mount Everest (highest peak) and The dead sea (Lowest point). -
Jan 1, 750
750 AD
One of the worlds wealthiest dynasties that have been ruling china The Tang dynatsty is the one of china's glorious ruling's. The Koreans have modelled themselves into confuscism or buddhism (Both of them are religion). -
May 19, 1000
Fact #5
Asia is seperated into 6 subcontinents: - Central Asia - East Asia - North Asia - India Subcontinent - Southeast Asia - Southwest Asia -
May 19, 1200
Fact #5
Tokyo, Hon Kong and Singapore are 3 major economical centers of Asia. -
May 19, 1200
Fact #6
1). Yangtze River - 6300 km,
2). Yellow River - 5464 km,
3). Lena - 4400 km,
4). Mekong - 4350 km,
5). Irtysh - 4248 km,
6). Yenisei - 4090 km,
7). Ob - 3650 km,
8). Lower Tunguska - 2989 km,
9). Indus - 2900 km,
10). Brahmaputra - 2900 km. -
Jan 2, 1215
1215 AD
The song dynasty has shrunk upon it's ruling. Korea and Japan are in civil wars. Chinese politic's (the activities associated with the governance of a country or other area, especially the debate or conflict among individuals or parties having or hoping to achieve power) is making it's way to where is vietnam, thailand and cambodia now. -
May 19, 1400
Fact #7
Languages: hundreds spoken, for example India alone has 30 official languages and Indonesia has 12, with many more spoken amongst families at home. English, Arabic and Mandarin Chinese are most common across the continent. -
Jan 1, 1453
1453 AD
The mongol empire (The Mongol Empire, which existed during the 13th and 14th centuries, was the largest contiguous land empire in history.) has invaded China, Korea and Tibet and had attacks on Japanese soil, but luckily they got the mongol empire out of the way. The other countries have looked up to the chinese emporers. -
1648 AD
The qing dynasty has taken over the manchous, because of the chaos that is going on in china. They call their dynasty the Qing as in KING. While that's happening after the japanese civil war for 100 years on korean soil chinese and korean military have drove them off. As Japan is in military dictatorship, because of the war that has been going on. -
1789 AD
The Qing dynasty has most of east asia under rule from tibet to Mongolia. The largest point in Chinese dynasties. China is really, becoming the new alexander the great. It is now admired to be the greatest civilization in the eastern hempisphere. Japan is isolated from the isolated world because of the military dictatorship that has cut all ties with the chinese and koreans after the 100 years of the civil wars. -
1914 AD
After years of emperors and dynasties China becomes a republic. Calling itself the Republic of China becoming what is now china. The world's biggest industrial country. Korea and Japan are ruled by europeans or americans to the french. -
After a few years China has become a country, Most of Asia is covered in countries from India to Cambodia. After years of fighting over Asia is know it's own continent with it's own countries and own things to do no more french, american, russian ruling. It is has some of the biggest factory industries making toys to clothing. It is known for it's exoticness and it's humid conditions and the different cultures. -
Aside from being some of the biggest industries, most of south east asia has been plagued with wars that destroyed their countries, most countries are in poverty because of the wars, china's in an industrial revolution, Japan planted attacks on America (ex: Pearl Harbor) in world war II. To get hit back by the America resulting in Hiroshima. The vietnam war happened years ago. Asia has been through many things in this period and now that they have they are still strong. -
Summary: China has become one of the worlds biggest industrial (of, relating to, or characterized by industry.
having highly developed industries.) countries, Japan has become a major game developer with pokemon to Legend of zelda some of the biggest game cons are there and is known as video game heaven inventing the gameboy, wii and etc. Korea has been torn apart in war North and South. South koreas economy is high, but the north koreans are under military control. Asia has grown to be its own. -
979 AD
The tang dynasty makes way for the song dynasty, they may not have the military skills, but they have raised the economy (the wealth and resources of a country or region, especially in terms of the production and consumption of goods and services.) to its highest. Korea and Japan are going away from china politically and culturally into it's own cultures. -
Fact #4
Japan has the second oldest population. (it means that theres a lot of old people) in the world.