Ashley's developmental timelin

  • Birth

    I was born on July 21st 1993 in Dearborn Michigan.
  • I can see more.

    My sight was becoming clear and I was focused on looking at faces around two months old was part of biosocial development.
  • It's talking time.

    I began babbling when I was seven months old. I used to say ma-ma all the time and this showed my cognitive development.
  • Attatchment

    For my psychosocial development I used to cry when my mom had to leave to go to work when I was one and a half years old,but it my reactions showed a classic secure attatchment.
  • Cognitive development- zoo trip

    My family and I took a trip to the Detroit zoo. During our trip I kept fast-mapping, because I had a dog at home I kept thinking many animals were dogs.
  • Biosocial development-bike riding

    When I was about five years old my parents taught me how to ride a bicycle without training wheels.
  • Psychosocial development-playmate

    My neighbor Becca and I played school and pretented to be teachers, this type of imagination play is called sociodramatic play.
  • Biosocial-neighborhood games

    A bunch of the kids and I would get togetherto play freeze tag. We had differnt lawns and the street as boundries. I also stared taking dance classes and had my first recital around this time.
  • Cognitive- making people laugh

    After school I would rush home and tell them jokes because I was understanding more about language and metaphors.
  • Psychosocial-friends

    During my childhood I was quiet. It seems that shy kids tend to be unpopular, but I still had a group of close friends and I ended up being one of the ones with more friends and actually hung out with them after school.
  • biosocial-puberty

    A major part of my life began at this age, I had my first menstrual period.
  • cognitive- all eyes on me

    I started thinking that everyone was looking at me and judging what I looked like. From this point on, I started waking up early to put on make-up an dto choose nicer outfits.
  • pyschosocial-relationships

    At age 16 I got my first boyfriend.
  • Cognitive-emerging adulthood

    I started my first year of college at Schoolcraft to hopefully become a registered nurse. I started at a community college to save money.
  • Pyschosocial-emerging adulthood

    My boyfriend, Bryan, and I moved out into our own apartment. It is our first cohabitation.
  • Biosocial-emerging adulthood

    My eating habits have been unhealthy and I am starting to watch what I eat and work out. It is important to eat well and exercise to stay healthy.
  • Cognitive-adulthood

    At the age of twenty-five my brain will be completely developed and I will hopefully be able to learn more things and my intelligence should be at its highest.
  • Pyschosocial-adulthood

    Around this time in my life my children will be moving out on their own. My husband and I will be upset, but we will be able to have time just for oursleves.
  • Biosocial-adulthood

    Around the age of fifty one I will go through menopause. This is the decrease of production for estrogen,progestrerone and testosterone.
  • Cognitive-late adulthood

    By this time in my life my brain will start to slow down. I will still be able to recall memories and have conversations, but it may be more difficult for me to remember certain items.
  • Psychosocial-late adulthood

    Around seventy-six years of age I will be doing yard work, rearraging furniture and enjoy life around my house. I hope to volunteer my time, too.
  • Biosocial-late adulthood

    This is around the time of my death resulting from age and sickness that sets in.
  • Dying

    After taking a quiz predicting what age I would live until I got 94 years old. At this time in my life I was able to have a family and see grandchildren and take many trips.