The Butler School
The Butler School at Hampton Institute is opened as a free school for black children, including kindergarten curriculum for five-year-olds. -
Early Experiences
Freud cites the importance of early experiences to later mental illness, ushering in the beginning of psychoanalysis and the emphasis on the importance of the first five years. -
Children's House
Casa di Bambini (Children's House) is opened by Maria Montessori in a slum district in Rome, Italy. She later develops an educational philosophy and program to guide children's growth through the senses and practical life experiences. -
The Nursery Years
Susan Isaacs publishes The Nursery Years, which contradicts the more scientific psychological view of behavior shaping and emphasizes he child's view point and the value of play. -
American Montessori Movement
Nancy McCormick Rambusch founds the American Montessori movement, splitting from her European counterparts to try to shape Montessori education as a viable American public school alternative and to establish teacher training programs at both early childhood and elementary levels. -
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The Economic Opportunity Act
The Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 passes, becoming the foundation of Head Start Programs in the United States, as part of a federal "War on Poverty". -
Mary Ainsworth publishes developmental research on mother-child interaction and follows up with work on patterns of attachment. -
NAEYC publishes a report entitled "Developmentally Appropriate Practices," which outlines what is meant by "quality" work with young children from infancy through age eight. -
The Family and Medical Leave Act is passed, providing new parents with 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave. -
Universal Preschool
Universal preschool is considered as a next step in providing equal access to quality early educational experiences for all children under five years of age.