I was born on January 20th 1994.
I was born preterm, my due date was February 14th. -
The First Two Years: Cognitive Development
I began babbling; my first "word" was "da-da." -
The First Two Years: Biosocial Development
I began to walk on my own; I was using my newly understood gross-motor skills. -
The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development
From what I've been told about this time in my life, I was observed to have a secure attachment (type B) with my caregivers. -
Early Childhood: Cognitive Development
I belonged to a teacher-directed preschool; I specifically remember learning about the calander. -
Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development
During "free time' at school I was often involved sociodramatic play; I always wanted to play the "wife" or "mother," I enjoyed pretend cooking and taking care of dolls. -
Early Childhood: Biosocial Development
I began to use my imporving fine-motor skills to learn to tie my shoes. -
Middle Childhood: Cognitive Development
During middle childhood children learn a lot about language and vocabulary; personally, I had a difficult time with pronunciation--
I would pronounce "thr" (as in the prefix for "three) as "trah," I began in-school speech therapy. -
Middle Childhood: Biosocial Development
During middle childhood I had an irrational obsestion with brushing my teeth, was confirmed to asthma, yet my parents' let me be involved with one sport: swimming. -
Middle Clidhood: Psychosocial Development
On October 28th, 2005 my once nuclear family structure changed to a single-parent family. My mother (diagnosed two year earlier) died of cancer. -
Adolescence: Biosocial Development
I began puberty much early then my fellow classmates; during 2006 (11 years old) I experienced my first menarche. Shortly after this time, (and to be expected) I began gaining weight. -
Adolescence: Cognitive Development
I began Middle School in 2007. Middle school (7th and 8th grade) where the socialy toughest grades for me; I was very much wrapped up in adolescent egocentrism and the concept of imaginary audience: I never left my house with out make-up on. -
Adolescence: Psychosocial Development
Begining in 2006 I became clinically depressed, from October 2006-January 2012 I self-harmed. During 2010 I experienced two suicide attempts (parasuicide). -
Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
During the summer of 2012 I began my second job at a Subway Restaurant, where I currently work as of November 2013. Additionaly, since June of 2012 I have been cohabitating with my boyfriend, Brian. -
Emerging Adulthood: Cognitive Development
I began my first semester of college (a year after most of my graduating class) at Schoolcraft. During my English 101 course, I exhibited dialectical and objective thought in my writings; I earned an A- in that course. -
Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial
This is current for me: I am trying to maintain my time in peak-health by healthy eating: I (try!) to eat only whole grains, lean meats, fruits, and vegetables. My current BMI is roughly normal: I scored a 19, for a 5'2, 100lb female. -
Adulthood: Biosocial Development
I predict that around this time (I will be 26) I will quit smoking cigarettes; I predict this becuase, I would like to quit smoking a year before I try to have a child. At age 26, I will still have an increased chance at fertility. -
Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
I predict (in 2034, I will be 40) that I will not experience a midlife crisis. After examining research, I found that this is a cultural phenomenon which can be avoided by being aware of the self. -
Adulthood: Cognitive Development
I predict that around the age of 40, I will permanently need glasses; at age 19 I am near sighted and have a stigmatism. According to the text, my eyesight is bound to decrease--just as my father's did. -
Late Adulthood: Biosocial Development
Around 2062, I will be classified a young-old (65 years of age) where I will beinga calorie restriction diet to assist in the agining process. -
Late Adulthood: Cognative Development
During this time I hope to achieve self-aculization, where I then will focus on my creativity (mostly painting). -
Late Adulthood: Psychosocial Development
To obtain involvment in the community, I plan to participate in volunteer work during my free time. -
Death and Dying
The Lifetime-Expectancy Calculator predecited I would die at the age of 85 (2079), I hope to spend as much time as possible with my loved ones; overall, I feel I will be accepting of death.