Page 1- Page 35
After an enormous sun flare hits and destroys most of the Earth's population, many small villages arise. One is a villlage in the Appalachian Mountains, where main characters Mark, Alec, Trina, and Lana reside. At the beginning of the story, the poor village is grenaded by soldiers with dart guns, killing more than half their people. Mark and Alec escape on the gunner's aircraft, and attempt to destroy their ship. Pages Read- 35; Pages Total- 230 -
Page 35- Page 70
Alec and Mark take down the gunner's ship, called a berg, and continue by finding a tablet on the shipp ad hacking it. They find information about the ship's log, and info about the darts. They carry a highly contagious and lethal virus. Instinctively they head to their village. Once they arrive three days later, the streets are lined with death. They quickly gather all their healthy friends and leave town. Pages Read- 35; Pages Total- 265 -
Page 70- Page 100
The surivivors plunge onward to the gunner's headquarters, through Appalachian forest. They stumble upon a six year old girl, left behind by her town because they thought she was infected, and take her under their wing, as she looks healthy and alive. They continue. Pages Read- 30; Pages Total- 295 -
Page 100- Page 135
The adventurers march on through the Appalachain mountains. All seems to be going well until they run into an old friend, The Toad. He is crazed with disease and tries to kill them. But it doesn't take much effort to put him out of his misery before he can hurt anyone, and Alec takes care of business quickly. Later on, they approach DeeDee's former tribe, and confront them aggressively. Pages Read- 35. Pages Total- 330 -
Page 135- Page 150
Alec and Mark are captured by DeeDee's old tribe, and they are nearly killed. However a forest fire started by a bonfire gives them cover to escape. They try to find their friends Lana, DeeDee, and Trina, but soon realize they've been kidnapped by the people in Bergs. (futuristic planes). They set out to find them and soon they've infiltrated their bunker. Pages Read- 25. Pages Total- 355 -
Page 150- 220
Alec and Mark break into the bunker, and stealthily stalk around the base, avoiding guards at all costs. They make it to an auditorium in which there is a meeting in motion. They overhear that their friends were traded to DeeDee's former tribe. They try to escape but are discovered by a man named Bruce, and within moments they are fighting 40 people. Somehow though, they manage to escape into a Berg and they fly away to Asheville. Pages Read- 70. Pages Total- 415 -
Page 220- Page 250
Upon landing in Asheville, Mark and Alec search the Berg for weapons. They find a giant metal box, and within a few hours, they've unlocked it, revealing a massive gun called a Transvice, which evaporates people into thin air when it is fired. THey grab two, and set out to find their friends. Pages Read- 30. Pages Total- 445 -
Page 250- Page 285
Mark and Alec trample through the neighborhood on a rescue mission. They fight through hordes of zombie-like people, and kill dozens with their Transvices. Eventually they come to the house with their friends, and just as they arrive, Lana is beaten to death by brutes. After that, they manage to rescue their friends, but they are both dazed and apparently are suffering from amnesia. Pages Read- 35. Pages Total- 475 -
Page 285- Page 339
They manage to get back on the berg, and all but Deedee are on the edge of insanity. They come up with a plan that involves going to Asheville. (to find Flat Trans) On their way there, they are comfronted by "the Boogie Man" and kill him and his friends with savage methods. Alec, being the pilot, drops them off by the PFC's (Post-Flares-Coalition) flat trans. Mark scribbles a note which says that Deedee's is immune to the flare, and throws her through the flat trans. Pages Read- 54. Total- 534 -
Page 339- Page 341
Mark and Trina leave themselves behind, as the potential of infecting the healthy in Alaska is too high. Instead they wait and enjoy their last few moments together, cherishing each others company. Trina finally says Mark's name as Alec comes in with the Berg and blows Asheville up, killing them all in the process, but keeping the human race alive. They committed the ultimate sacrifice for their race. Pages Read- 2. Pages Total- 536