5th Grade 5a-A1
Unit 1: Colours and Perceptions
UQ: How colours affect our perception?
AoI: Human Ingenuity -
Chromatic Wheel
Primary, Secondary and terciary colours -
Complementary Colours
UNIT 2: Environment and Forms
AoI: Environments
UQ: How can i apply the forms of the environment -
Forms in Nature
Search for forms in nature and analize them -
Drawing Environments
draw shapes based on natural objects -
From 2D to 3D
Edentify geometrical shapes -
UNIT 3: The ilusion of depht
AoI: Human Ingenuity
UQ: How can we create the ilusion of depht? -
Is it far is it close
dtermine knoledge about depht -
Putting an object in fornt of another to create sense of depht -
From what point do you see things -
Atmospheric Depht
Another way to show perspective -
6 GRADE: 6a- 3A
Unit 1: Body and Expression
AoI: Health and Social Education
UQ: How is language of art used to express feelings and emotions? -
Create an opposite version of you with symbols -
Colours and Shades
colour characteristics -
Shades and colours using tints -
Unit 2: Method to create
UQ: How do we create?
AoI: Human Ingenuity -
Planing Stencil
Planning the proyect of an stencil based on a diary problem -
Tonal Scale
studying different tonalities for colour -
Observation Method
Studying the different methiods there are to create -
Squishes Corpse
Activity ro understand the unit -
the last activity of the year based on representation -
7th GRADE: 7A-a4
UNIT 1: Visual Language
KC: Change
RC: Composition, Culture, Creativity
GC: identities and relationships
SoI: Visual elements are found in all images -
Point Drawing
Analize all the composites of an art work -
Line Drawing
Another composite -
Plane Drawing
Another art work about separte composites -
DEconstruct the composites of a drawing or object -
Abstract Composition
To understand the art of composition and decomposition -
Composition Sketch
Plan the final Compostion -
Art Works movement
Analysing different images representing movement in idfferent ways -
Movemnet By Repetition
Based on several images of a movement create repetition in paper -
Stop Motion
create an stop motion video based on multiple picture shots to create movement. -
UNIT 3: the Human Body
GC: personal and cultural expression
SoI: Representing the human body is one way to know one self. -
Study the different kinds of canons through history. Principally, egyptian, greek and from the renaissance -
Presentation: Artist and body
We were given an artist and we were divided in groups. Explain how does the artist represnt the body? -
Body as a symbol
We represent ourselves using a box and symbolic representation. Outside: how other see us
Inside: How we really are -
UNIT 3: Movement
Create a timeline based on all the topics we have seen from fifth grade