Artistes of Colour

  • Britain declares war on France

  • Napoleon proclaims himself Emperor of France

  • Abolition of the slave Trade Act passes in Britain

  • William Darby (Pablo Fanque) born

  • British-American war begins

  • Harriet Anne Jacobs born

  • Battle of Waterloo

  • Indian juggler Ramo Samee first performs in London

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs established in the USA

  • George Frederick Christopher (Herr Christoff) born

  • Indian Removal Act passes in the USA

  • Nat Turner's Slave rebellion

  • American Anti-Slavery Society founded

  • Charles Darwin sets out for the Galapagos Islands

  • Bedouin Arab Troupe first recorded in London

  • Queen Victoria accedes to the throne

  • Slavery is abolished in the British colonies. Isaac Van Amburgh makes first British appearance

  • Pablo Fanque and Joseph Hillier begin their own circuses

  • The Great Exhibition at Crystal Palace

  • "Uncle Tom's Cabin" published in book form

  • First mention of Macommo the "Lion Hunter" in the UK

  • Tuck Quy's Chinese troupe makes first UK appearance

  • Indian Mutiny begins

  • Miss La La born in Stettin

  • Charles Darwin publishes "On the Origin of Species"

  • Abraham Lincoln elected president of the USA

  • American Civil War begins

  • Emancipation Proclamation issued in the USA

  • Lincoln assassinated

  • Delmonico the lion tamer makes first UK appearance

  • 13th Amendment adopted in the USA, abolishing slavery in the country

  • First Japanese Troupe appears in the UK

  • Risley's Imperial Japanese Troupe appears in London

  • Start of Jim Crow Laws in the southern USA

  • Pablo Fanque and Macommo die

  • Civil Rights Act passes in the USA

  • Miss La La painted by Edgar Degas

  • Herr Christoff dies

  • Buffalo Bill's Wild West show arrives in the UK

  • Queen Victoria dies

  • Jim Crow Laws pass in the southern USA