Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov wrote a science fiction book called I,Robot in 1950. It contained three robotics that may still be relevant to the future development of robots ...
to your left there is an image stating the three laws. -
AI term first used
AI history
Artificialce Intelligence began in the 1950's with the attempts to write programs to challenge human intelligence (such as playing chess) -> John McCarthy father of AI -
First Programming Language !
LISP first programming language developed by John McCarthy in 1958. LISP was completely different from the popular procedural langauges such as FORTAN. -
First Industrial Robot
The first industrial robot was online in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey. It was Devol and Engelberger's UNIMATE. It performed spot welding and extracted die castings. It was an automated die-casting mold that dropped red-hot door handles and other such car parts into pools of cooling liquid on a line that moved them along to workers for trimming and buffing -
SRI Robot (SHakey)
1966 through to 1972, the Artificial Intelligence Centre at SRI international started a research on a mobile robot system called “shakey.” It had limited ability; to identify and model its environment, Shekey could perform tasks that required planning, route-finding, and the rearranging of simple objects. Shakey’s project led to many advances in AI techniques. 1969 the demonstration of Shekey was collected in a 24min film “SHAKEY: Experimentation in Robot Learning and Planning” -
PROLOG (PROgramming in LOgic) developed in the 1970's at the university of Marseille in France by Alain Colmerauer and Phillipe Roussel. Many of the features that were once unique to PROLOG are used in modern object-oriented programming such as Java. -
Robotic Eye
The first robotic eye was invented in the 1990's by Fujitsu Laboratories. It is capable of detecting high-speed motion by following a similar procedure to the human brain. -
Epert Systems
Epert Systems first appeared in the 1970's. They could predict the probability of a solutuion under certain conditions. MYCIN was a famous exoert system developed at Stanford University. Expert Systems are used in applications such as medical diagnosis, investment analysis, equipment repair and training. -
Interactive Robot Pets
Poo Chi an interacitve robot dog was made that is light, touch and sound sensitive was released in the US and Europe after its success in Japan. That Summer Meow Chow an interactive cat was also released so were many ither animals