Mr. Bishop project

By K3behim
  • 1215

    article of barons magna carta

    article of barons magna carta
    this is the barons article written in June 1215.
  • New constituition

    New constituition
    Founding Fathers draw up new constitution for United States of America
  • Dual federalism importance

    Dual federalism importance
    The era of dual federalism refers to the period of American political history when the Constitution was interpreted as creating separate and distinct spheres of authority between the federal and state governments.
  • passage of law

    passage of law
    After the passage of a bill by one body, it technically becomes an Act (not yet effective as a law.
  • landmark

    Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, 347 U.S. 483, was a landmark U.S.
  • Adoption of amendments

    Adoption of amendments
    this the adoption of all of the U.S. Constituition.