
Art Periods and Movements

  • Period: 800 to 1900 BCE

    Ancient Period

    Ancient art tends to be categorized geographically because the diverse cultures remained relatively secluded, resulting in each culture’s art usually having a distinct look and purpose. This period generally includes everything prior to the rise of Greece around 800 BC. However, in some more secluded regions, it includes later art as well. Mesopotamian, Celtic, Egyptian, African, Asian, and Pre-Columbian (from the Americas) Art are all included in this art period.
  • Period: to

    Baroque Period

    An art period with highly ornate embellished depictions of important events including royalty or religious stories. Artists focused on using deep colors, lots of details, asymmetry, movement, drama, symbols and high contrast of light and dark. This period is often associated with the Catholic Counter-Reformation since it pushed back against the plainness of Protestant art.
    Famous Artists: Caravaggio, Bernini, Van Dyck, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Gainsborough, Velazquez
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    Romantic Period

    Romanticism: an art period where artists honored nature, individualism, intuition, and emotion. The movement was an idyllic and dramatic reaction to the artists’ dislike of the Neo-Classical movement, the Industrial Revolution, and the Age of Enlightenment. Famous Artists: Church, Cole
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    Modern Period- chaotic

    Modernism is art period based on a belief in progress and idealism. It assumed principles could be used to explain reality. Modernist artists focus on techniques and processes instead of a limited group of subjects. Unlike previous art periods, which had mostly unifying characteristics, this art period includes many diverse art movements. Because of this, art timelines get very messy starting in this time period! Famous Artists: Georgia O’Keeffe
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    Realistic Period

    Realism: an art period where artists tried to represent their subjects truthfully and accurately. The movement was a reaction against Romanticism and the Industrial Revolution and focused on everyday life, even the unpleasant parts of life.
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    Contemporary Period

    The Contemporary Period is still revealing itself. Until we have the perspective of history, we won’t fully know what attributes and ideals best characterize the art of our time. Additionally, terms like “contemporary” and “post-modern” are continuing to be defined by art historians there’s some disagreement in the art world on exactly what is included in each.
  • The Art Nowdays

    The Art Nowdays
    UNTIL THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY, the art world was a buzzing hive of global activity, with ever-increasing pressure on artists to produce for an insatiable market.Many artists today, unable to access their studios or even buy supplies, are already experimenting with new materials.