
Global Art in the 1500-1600's

  • 1497

    Templo Mayor, past Mexico City

    Templo Mayor, past Mexico City
    Templo Mayor was the main temple in the capital city of the Mexica people, enlarged over several years. Pixabay animated reimagining
  • 1500

    Nahuatl traditional music

    Nahuatl traditional music
    Contemporary performances of music at the height of Aztec civilization. Aztec and Mayan traditional music Mexicolore web page
  • 1500

    Cihuateotl by Aztec sculptor.

    Cihuateotl by Aztec sculptor.
    Figure of malevolent spirit of Aztec woman who died in childbirth. The Met
  • 1500

    Noh Theatre

    Noh Theatre
    Kashu-Juku Noh Theatre Noh is a traditional Japanese drama. A Noh program includes kyogen and noh interspersed. It's often based on traditional tales with supernatural beings.
    Photo in Matcha
  • 1504

    Miserere, by Josquin des Prez

    Miserere, by Josquin des Prez
    Miserere me Deus
    Vocal composition of Psalm 51 commissioned by Duke Ercole I in Ferrara (Northern Italy). Wikipedia
  • 1527

    Chancery Italic typeface used by Ludovico Arrighi

    Chancery Italic typeface used by Ludovico Arrighi
    At this type, Italic was only used for lower case, not capitals. The name comes from its origin, Italy. From Wikipedia
  • 1535

    Bamboo in the Four Seasons - Tosa Mitsunobu

    Bamboo in the Four Seasons - Tosa Mitsunobu
    Muromachi Period
    Attributed to Tosa Mitsunobu
    Tosa School
  • 1559

    Yu Garden, built by Pan Yunduan

    Yu Garden, built by Pan Yunduan
    Found in Shanghai, and now a national monument. Description
  • 1562

    Rape of Europa by Titian

    Rape of Europa by Titian
    Rape of Europa Jupiter takes advantage King Agenor's daughter, disguised as a bull.
  • 1564

    Palais des Tuileries, built by Catherine de' Medici using architect Philibert de l'Orme

     Palais des Tuileries, built by Catherine de' Medici using architect Philibert de l'Orme
    Built by an Italian noble widow of a late English King who ruled France for a time. Tuileries Palace
  • The Return of Soul at the Peony Pavillion by Tang Xianzu

    The Return of Soul at the Peony Pavillion by Tang Xianzu
    Du Liniang and Liu Mengmei in an epic love story. The Peony Pavillion
    The Peony Pavillion
  • White Clouds and Red Trees by Lan Ying

    White Clouds and Red Trees by Lan Ying
    Lan Ying 1585-1664
    Hanging Scroll, Ink and Colors on Silk,
    Palace Museum, Beijing White Clouds and Red Trees
  • Mañjuśrī character in the style of Hé Cháozōng 何朝宗

    Mañjuśrī character in the style of Hé Cháozōng  何朝宗
    A mañjuśrī is a person on the path of Buddhism, associated with insight. The type of ceramic art, called Blanc de Chine or dehua, began during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1694). He Chaozong
  • The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare

    The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare
    Antonio, a merchant in Venice, defaults on a loan by Shylock, a Jewish moneylender. Clip from the Merchant of Venice
    Wikepedia Info Pg
  • Aubin Codex

    Aubin Codex
    History of Aztecs both in image and in writing; Approx 1519-1521; begun in 1576 and continued through 1608 by various Nahuatl authors. Aubin Codes
  • The Goat Amalthea with the Infant Jupiter and a Faun, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini

    The Goat Amalthea with the Infant Jupiter and a Faun, by Gian Lorenzo Bernini
    Earliest known work, now in Galleria Borghese in Rome.
  • Virgin Eleousa of Kykkos, by Simon Ushakov

    Virgin Eleousa of Kykkos, by Simon Ushakov
    Russian Orthodox icon, associated with icon painter that was part of reform of the Church.