Art History Section 4

  • Period: Apr 13, 650 to

    Hiberno-Saxon Art

  • Apr 13, 655

    Sutton Hoo Ship Burial

    Sutton Hoo Ship Burial
    Period:Hiberno-Saxon Date: 655 CE Location: Sutton Hoo Type: Ship Excavation Characteristics/Style: either entombing to chiefton or memorial, excevated graveline of ship, paganist people
  • Apr 13, 655

    Purse Lid from Sutton Hoo Burial

    Purse Lid from Sutton Hoo Burial
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Date: 655 CE Location: Sutton Hoo Type: enamelized wooden purse lid Iconography: used to attach to the top of cloth bag Characteristics/Style: gad bands bent to seperate creaces to be filled with enamel, interlace involves twisted bodies of animals, axily semetric, enamel is mixed materials to make glass, can do it 2 ways: 1. cloisenne 2. chamieve Relations: Sumer and Daniel and the lions den from the Catacombs
  • Apr 13, 655

    Sutton Hoo Shoulder Clasps

    Sutton Hoo Shoulder Clasps
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Date: 655 CE Location: Sutton Hoo Type: enamalized wooden shoulder clasps Iconography: used to fasten a cloak Characteristics/Style: worked like an old fashioned door hinge, similar in style to the purse lid
  • Apr 13, 675

    Book of Durrrow - Carpet Page

    Book of Durrrow - Carpet Page
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Date: 675 CE Location: Durrow Type: opening page from gospel book Iconography: made for newly established Christian conversion Characteristics/Style: gospel of Christs life, pagan ornaments, considered to have magical powers, sowed onto new paper to preserve it, priests dipped them in water, trumpet sprials used as decoration
  • Apr 13, 675

    Book of Durrow - Sumbol of St. Matthew

    Book of Durrow - Sumbol of St. Matthew
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Date: 675 CE Location: Durrow Type: page in book of durrow Iconography: no context, shows st. matthew Characteristics/Style: translates figures from ornaments
  • Apr 13, 675

    Book of Durrow - Cross Carpet Page

    Book of Durrow - Cross Carpet Page
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Date: 675 CE Location: Durrow Type: page from book of durrow Iconography: no context Characteristics/Style: main body consists of cross forms, background is cross shaped, similar to islamic culture
  • Apr 13, 700

    Lindisfarne Gospels - Cross Carpet Page

    Lindisfarne Gospels - Cross Carpet Page
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Date: 700 CE Location: Lindsifarne Type: page from lindifarne gospels Iconography: same as book of durrow Characteristics/Style: luxurious, use of straight edge, compass, raised sophistication, negative space creates cross, cross give order to paganism
  • Apr 13, 700

    Tara Brooch

    Tara Brooch
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Date: 700 CE Location: Lindisfarne, Ireland Type: golden safet pin Iconography: safety pin Characteristics/Style: interlace with gems
  • Apr 13, 700

    Lindisfarne Gospels - Opening to St. John and St. Matthew

    Lindisfarne Gospels - Opening to St. John and St. Matthew
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Location: Lindisfarne Date: 700 CE Type: opening page to gospels of different saints Iconography: shows different saints Characteristics/Style: elaborate text, letters tell where to start, bother are copying from same source
  • Apr 13, 1000

    Gospel of Otto III - Death of Virgin Mary and Marriage of Otto II

    Gospel of Otto III - Death of Virgin Mary and Marriage of Otto II
    Period: Ottonian Art Location: Germany Date: 1000 Type: pages from book Iconography: created by Otto Characteristics/Style: Byzantinian Iconography, gold background, political reasonings, family arranged, ivory carved and sent to rulers as announcment of marriage, Byzantinian custom
  • Apr 13, 1001

    St. Micheal, Hildesheim

    St. Micheal, Hildesheim
    Period: Ottonian Art Location: Hildesheimm, Germany Date: 1001-1031 CE Type: basillica Iconography: church of st. Micheal Characteristics/Style: balance of east and west, similar to Riquier, supports the Nave wall with alterations of rythmic patterns,
  • Apr 13, 1010

    Annunciation to the Shepherds Lectionary of Henry II

    Annunciation to the Shepherds Lectionary of Henry II
    Period: Ottonian Art Location: Germany Date: 1010 Type: page from book Iconography: story from bible Characteristics/Style: arranded by letrigical year, Byzantinian style, gold backgrond
  • Apr 13, 1014

    St. Micheal - Nave / Doors

    St. Micheal - Nave / Doors
    Period: Ottonian Art Location: Hildesheim Date: 1014 Type: doors and nave Iconography: tells story of new and old testemant Characteristics/Style: alterations of stone create pattern, collums are new b/c they have a set of capitols, doors are casted in one piece, shows stories from new and old testemant like the Adam and Eve, unclassical
  • Period: Apr 13, 1100 to Apr 13, 1200

    Romanesque Art

  • Apr 14, 1100

    St. Etienne

    St. Etienne
    Period: Romanesque Art Location: Caen, France Date: 1100 Type: church Iconography: church Characteristics/Style: first to do vaulting
  • Apr 14, 1100

    St. Sernin, Touluse

    St. Sernin, Touluse
    Period: Romanesque Art Location: Touluse, South France Date: 1100 Type: church Iconography: large pilgrimage spot Characteristics/Style: basillica
  • Apr 14, 1115

    Lintel Support (Trumeau) St. Etienne

    Lintel Support (Trumeau) St. Etienne
    Period: Romanesque Art Location: Caen, France Date: 1115 Type: lintel support Iconography: tells story to church traffic Characteristics/Style: carved on front with lion, one side is a portrait of a prophet, female and male lions, prophets showed new testement, represented the end of time
  • Apr 14, 1115

    Mosaic Sculpture Above Original Main Portal St. Etienne

    Mosaic Sculpture Above Original Main Portal St. Etienne
    Period: Romanesque Art Location: Caen, France Date: 1115 Type: mosaic Iconography: hung above doorway to remind people of findal judgement Characteristics/Style: tore down and rebuilt 90 degrees different, lintel holds up middle, subject is the story of the last judgement, decoration is around doorways because of natural traffic, central axis contains christ, angular forms
  • Apr 14, 1120

    Vezelay, Tympanum Over Main Door Pentecost

    Vezelay, Tympanum Over Main Door Pentecost
    Period: Romanesque Art Location: Vezelay Date: 1120 Type: tympanum Iconography: shows pentecost from church of axe Characteristics/Style: set of chores for apostes is the story here
  • Apr 14, 1123

    Santa Maria De Tahull, Catalonia Spain

    Santa Maria De Tahull, Catalonia Spain
    Period: Romanesque Art Location: Catalonia, Spain Date: 1123 Type: story of 3 magi Iconography: church Characteristics/Style: usage of many fresco's, extremely poor, raised money so people would paint parts peice by peice, Apse and choir painted first, lines are linear in pattern fulled, groups of parallel lines,
  • Apr 14, 1125

    Giselbertus - Autun, Tympanum

    Giselbertus - Autun, Tympanum
    Period: Romanesque Art Location: Autun, France Date: 1125 Type: Tympanum Iconography: old testement, tells story of where you go Characteristics/Style: Christ judging figures, artist unusually signs his name, seated on throne like Carolingin, (left) heaven, made to look Godly and unearthly, (right) below Christ, raising from tombs to be judged, hell
  • Apr 14, 1150

    Master Hugo, Bury Bible St. Edmunds Cross

    Master Hugo, Bury Bible St. Edmunds Cross
    Period: Romanesque Art Location: Bury St. Edmunds, England Date: 1150 Type: walrus ivory cross Iconography: used in churches Characteristics/Style: n/a
  • Period: Apr 20, 1150 to Apr 20, 1400

    Gothic Art

  • Apr 20, 1194

    Chartres Cathedral

    Chartres Cathedral
    Period: Gothic Art Location: Notre Dame Chartres, France Date: 1194 Type: cathedral Iconography: pinnacle of Gothic Style Characteristics/Style:bishop saved glass from WW2 bombings, sometimes used for legal activities, not as cross like as usual, buttresses attached to flying buttresses, roof is copper to protect stone
  • Apr 20, 1225

    Reims Chathedral

    Reims Chathedral
    Period: (high) Gothic Art Location: Reims, Champegne Date: 1225 Type: cathedral
  • Book of Kells - Temptation of Christ / Mary & Child of Christ

    Book of Kells - Temptation of Christ / Mary & Child of Christ
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Location: Kells Date: 800 CE Type: gospel pages Iconography: opening pages to different stories of the gospel Characterisitics/Style: communative ornamental work, flat
  • Book of Kells - Cross Carpet Page / 4 Evangelists

    Book of Kells - Cross Carpet Page / 4 Evangelists
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Location: Kells Date: 800 CE Type: pages from book of kells Iconography: no context / shows 4 evangelists Characteristics/Style: overlapping like Duran, uses gold immensley, trumpet spirals
  • Book of Kells - Chi-Rho Page

    Book of Kells - Chi-Rho Page
    Period: Hiberno-Saxon Location: Kells Date: 800 CE Type: page from book of kells Iconography: opening page to section Characteristics/Style: shows Christs name, expression of
    ornament, ornament turns into figurative
  • Equestrian Portrait of Carolingian Emporer

    Equestrian Portrait of Carolingian Emporer
    Period: Carolingian Location: Germany Date: 800 CE Type: bronze statue Iconography: portrait Characteristics/Style:copies Justinian which was lost, about 9" tall, relates to Byzantine or Roman, like Marcus Aureleus
  • Torhalle at Lorsch

    Torhalle at Lorsch
    Period: Carolingian Location: Lorsch Date: 800 CE Type: Church Iconography: place of worship Characteristics/Style: combination of Rome and N. European styles, steep roof because of snow and rain, surface has colored stones in pattern, similar to arch of constantine, upper room has checkerboard pattern and imitates ara pacis
  • Palace of Charlemagne

    Palace of Charlemagne
    Period: Colingian Art
    Location: Charlemagne
    Date: 800 CE
    Type: palace with chapel
    Iconography: excavated palace reconstruction
    Characteristics/Style: chapel structure attached, similar to Byzantine style, 3 stories, decorated with round windows, stricter axis than San Vitale, no niteches, some gold mosaics Similar too: Byzantines, San Vitale
  • St. Riquier, Centula

    St. Riquier, Centula
    Period: Colingian Art Location: Centula Date: 799 Type: church Iconography: no longer exists, looted and destroyed Characteristics/Style: an "abbey" but no longer exists, entry area has been made longer, called west work, wester emphasis balances east side
  • Ada School - St. John / St. Mark

    Ada School - St. John / St. Mark
    Period: Colingian Art Location: Charlemagne Date: 800 CE Type: gospel pages Iconography: made by school workshops that trained artists Characteristics/Style: located in capitol, architectual bagckground, above head in symbol of evangelists holding scroll
  • Palace School - St Matthew / Coronation Gospels & St. John

    Palace School - St Matthew / Coronation Gospels & St. John
    Period Carolingian Art Location: Aachen, Charlemagne Date: 800 CE Type: purple dyed parchment paper Iconography: made for coronations Characteristics/Style: found in coffin, Roman iconography and stylistically, bodies completely dispraportionate
  • Reims School - St. Matthew / St. Mark (Ebbo Gospels)

    Reims School - St. Matthew / St. Mark (Ebbo Gospels)
    Period Carolingian Art Location: Rheims, Charlemagne Date: 820 CE Type: school workshop Iconography: important center for art Characteristics/Style: figures seem more energetic, gold paint used for flickering light
  • Reims School - Utrecht Psalter

    Reims School - Utrecht Psalter
    Period Carolingian Art Location: Rheims, Charlemagne Date: 820 CE Type: page from psalter Iconography: psalter = book of songs Characteristics/Style: classisizing text, drawn not painted, not painted, easter stories, depicts text exactly through imagery
  • Reims Detail of Ivory Book Cover

    Reims Detail of Ivory Book Cover
    Period Carolingian Art Location: Rheims, Charlemagne Date: 820 CE Type: ivory book cover Iconography: book cover Characteristics/Style: landscape has ungilating lines, large hands and stiff fingers, had painters and sculptors
  • Lindau Book Cover

    Lindau Book Cover
    Period Carolingian Art Location: Lindau, Charlemagne Date: 870 CE Type: gem filled book cover Iconography: book cover Characteristics/Style: cross with jesus in the middle, elaborate design, gem encrusted
  • School of Tours - Charles the Bald / Collumn of Trajan

    School of Tours - Charles the Bald / Collumn of Trajan
    Period Carolingian Art Location: Tours, Charlemagne Date: 850 CE Type: first page of book Iconography: book was given to Charles Characteristics/Style: Ada arches, first page, Roman emphasis,
  • Period: to

    Carolingian Art

  • Period: to Apr 13, 1100

    Ottonian Art