Mammoth - 33,000 B.C.
This picture is a picture of the very first ivory carving of a mammoth. I chose this because it stuck out. I liked that it looked older. And I also liked the markings of the old ivory. I didn't think Mammoths were alive back then, but now that I think of it more and see older art, I believe it! -
Venus of Dolní Věstonice - 25,000 B.C
This piece is Venus of Dolní Věstonice. It has been said that this is one of the oldest forms of ceramic art. I chose this for that very reason, and because of the texture of the material used. It looks almost bronze to me. Most venus statues are of women, and this is another that interested me because of the history. -
Venus of Brassempouy - 23,000 B.C.
This is Venus of Brassempouy. I chose venus figurines because they were some of the very first statues made. It was carved frin mammoth ivory. Most of them were of women. This particular one is one I found of a womans face. Others are of womans bodies. Most of the venus figurines were found in Europe. -
Hall of Bulls - 17,000 B.C
This is a cave painting in Lascaux cave, which is located in France. Hall of Bulls stuck out to me because within all of the images from the paintings, its a bunch of bulls all over the cave. I feel like it was a sign for new people on the land. A sign telling that there may be food within the area, and the food was bulls. -
Bulls and Horses - 13,000 B.C
This is kind of the same as hall of bulls, since it comes from the same cave. But this particular one is a bit different. It is a mixture of bulls and horses. I have always liked this cave painting. It was found in 1940, with a carbon -14 dating saying it was from 13,000 B.C. All other pieces from these Lascaux cave paintins include animals like Bulls, Horses, and Mammoths. -
Syrian Decorated Grooved Stone - 9,000 B.C.
This is a grooved stone, which appears to have a drawing of some sort of animal on it. I chose this because it was one of the first stone art that I found while doing this project. It's amazing, and the fact that its on stone is so weird to me. It must have taken a very long time to carve that stone! -
UFO's & Aliens - 6,000 B.C.
These two images are cave paintings, which were found in the Sahara Desert in North Africa. The sky in the left picture has UFO's in it. And both pictures consist of alien looking creatures. I chose this piece of art as my last piece because honestly, it is the most interesting one. This kind of creeps me out, because it shows that in 6,000 B.C, people were seeing aliens. Others have their opinions on whether or not aliens exist, but I think this has to be some sort of proof from so long ago.