art history final

  • crucifixion of saint peter, Guido Reni

    crucifixion of saint peter, Guido Reni
    Patron requested a caravagisti style painting
    Compared to caravaggio reni gave reason for intense darks and lights
    Balanced instead of diagonal composition mannerist.
    More renaissance in style with artificial colors
  • Aurora, Guido Reni

    Aurora, Guido Reni
    casino dell'auroura, Pallavinvini, Rome. Borghese Family
    Utilizes poetic language "ut pictura poiesis" allegory of the passage of time. Late Carracci style referencing Renaissance art
    "Quadro Riportato" painting stuck on the ceiling
  • Martyrdom of saint lawrence, gianlorenzo Bernini

    Martyrdom of saint lawrence, gianlorenzo Bernini
    Bernini pushes the boundaries of sculpture experimenting with light, texture, and movement. Uses painting techniques applied to sculpture in a unique and innovative way.
  • Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius, Bernini

    Aeneas, Anchises, and Ascanius, Bernini
    First of four challenges from Cardinal Scipione Borghese in the Villa Borghese. Inspired by Raphael's painting and Michaelangelos's risen Christ. Was technically challenging to balance the piece with one man carrying another.
  • Aurora, Guercino, and tassi

    Aurora, Guercino, and tassi
    villa ludovisi, rome 1621-23 sponsored by bolognese pope Alessandro Ludovisi
    Followed Ludovico Caracci’s artistic style from bologna
    “Di sotto en su” from down below looking up, illusionary painting
    Tassi painted the false architecture, and Guercino painted the scene
    Poetically supposed to represent the new pope leading to a new dawn of rome and that new light and hope would come from the Ludovisi family now in charge
  • Abduction of proserpina, Bernini

    Abduction of proserpina, Bernini
    The second challenge for Galleria Borghese, the statue interacts with the viewer in an innovative way, as you walk around the statue the story unfolds. The contrast between the hard musculature of Pluto and the soft skin of Proserpina demonstrates how he can make one material (stone) look differently.
  • Apollo and daphne, Bernini

    Apollo and daphne, Bernini
    the figure of Apollo references antique Belvadieri courtyard sculpture, pose based on Annibale Carracis's "loves of the gods" metamorphosis piece unfolds as you interact. inspired by galatea
  • David, gianlorenzo bernini

    David, gianlorenzo bernini
    The last challenge of galleria borghese is more important conceptually than visually interesting. modeled after the Borghese warrior in the Borghese collection. innovative in the portrayal of David in a moment of action, diagonal composition, sense of movement, facial expression,
  • Period: to

    crossing of saint peters, bernini baldacchino

    Bladacchino: canopy typically placed over throne or tomb. The temporary structure that Bernini turns into a permanent one by remixing it with a ciborium, makes bronze look like fabric. transforms the space into a stage where the Baldacchino is the centerpiece Angels above the baldachino hold the papal crown signifying the importance of the pope Symbolically represents Christ with orb for earth w/ cross above it Bronze stolen from the Pantheon caused outrage
  • Nicolas Poussin, Death of Germanicus,

    Nicolas Poussin, Death of Germanicus,
    Meditation on themes of death, ancient history, justice, and antiquity. Used the latest archaeological research to make it as realistic as possible. Obscure subject. Cabinet painting. References ancient artist "Timanthes" who portrayed a scene of mourning covering the mourner's face.resurrects antiquity.
  • Andrea Sacchi, Allegory of Divine Wisdom,

    Andrea Sacchi, Allegory of Divine Wisdom,
    1629- 30 palazzo Barberini
    Sacchi studied under domenocchino and deliberately carried on the late Caracci style. Simple, stable, and still. No illusionary architecture. "classical style" referencing Raphael and artists in rome. Placed in a private, contemplative space for the family
  • st. veronica Francesco Mochi

    st. veronica Francesco Mochi
    Saint peters, holy veil not real saint. not considered success
  • Nicolas Poussin, Rinaldo and Armida

    Nicolas Poussin, Rinaldo and Armida
    subject from a famous poem. "Jerusalem liberated"
    symbolism: naked baby-tenderness and love
    colorful, loose brushwork. ut pictura poesis
  • Pieter van Laer (“Il Bamboccio”), The Pastry Seller

    Pieter van Laer (“Il Bamboccio”), The Pastry Seller
    Represents an artist movement of painters mostly from the Netherlands painting in a distinct and popular style of cabinet paintings making scenes directly from life of extremely mundane and sometimes dirty or gross things.
  • Saint Longinus, Bernini

    Saint Longinus, Bernini
    Eyes looking to the representation of jesus atop the baldiccino
    Arms wide showing religious ecstacy
    Controls how the shaddows fall by etching small lines into the statue
  • st. Andrew, francois Duquesnoy

    st. Andrew, francois Duquesnoy
    Well versed in antiquity and restored older sculptures
    Relic was a piece of the cross
    Interacts with the dome of the church and looks up to the representational jesus
    Feels restrained and classical
  • saint helen andrea bolgi

    saint helen andrea bolgi
    Berninis favorite student, roman style sculpture
    References michaelangelos pieta by signing name on lapel
  • claude lorrain "the mill"

    claude lorrain "the mill"
    cabinet painting. seen as the most important practitioner of the landscape genre of the time. distinguished from the bambocanti as more idealised, deliberate, romanticized, softened, and stylized. kinda studied under agostino tassi
  • pietro da cortona allegory of divine providence

    pietro da cortona allegory of divine providence
    1633-1639, sala grande, Palazzo Barberini, Rome
    glorification of the reign of Urban VIII. located in the main entrance hall of the Barbernini family. considered "baroque baroque" meant to overwhelm viewer, like epic poem. "di sotto en su"
  • Francesco Borromini, Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza,

    Francesco Borromini, Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza,
    University founded by the pope. Borromini’s job was to unify a traditional courtyard and an untraditional chapel.
    Facade curves inward, which contrasts with the chapel that curves outward.
    The lantern atop the dome symbolizes divine light and the presence of God, while the spiral columns signify spiritual ascension.
  • Nicolas Poussin, Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well

    Nicolas Poussin, Rebecca and Eliezer at the Well
    Much preparation and careful study. Biblical subject. Theme: beautiful women. structure: composition shows a study of ancient Roman sarcophagi. style: classical ancient sculpturesque, colorful. using this painting to demonstrate what "great painting" is to differentiate himself from the bamboccino
  • the mill 2 claude lorrain

     the mill 2 claude lorrain
    "Landscape with the marriage of Isaac and Rebecca"
    painted with subtle shift in style to further distinguish himself from the bambocanti and fi within the standards of "good painting" as determined by poussin : "grand manner" 1- argument or subject 2-concept 3- theme 4- composition 5- style. basically added a stylistic religious scene delicately into a landscape painting to be like "I'm better than all those bambocanti"
  • gianlorenzo bernini, cornaro chapel

    gianlorenzo bernini, cornaro chapel
    1645-1652, S. Maria Della Vittoria, Rome
  • Francesco Borromini, Galleria prospettica,

    Francesco Borromini, Galleria prospettica,
    Palazzo Spada,
  • Gianlorenzo Bernini, Saint Peter's Throne (Cathedra Petri)

    Gianlorenzo Bernini, Saint Peter's Throne (Cathedra Petri)
    1657-1666, saint peters, rome
  • Francesco Borromini, S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

    Francesco Borromini, S. Carlo alle Quattro Fontane
    s. Carlino, rome. 1638-1667
    Borrominis first independent commission
    Uses a mix of convex and concave curves to play with light and shadow on the facade
    Designed the church to fit an oddly shaped site, ended up with an oval church
    One of the earliest examples of a twisted or helicoidal dome, creating a dynamic sense of movement that was replicated in later baroque architecture
  • Gianlorenzo Bernini, Piazza San Pietro

    Gianlorenzo Bernini, Piazza San Pietro
  • Gianlorenzo Bernini, S. Andrea al Quirinale

    Gianlorenzo Bernini, S. Andrea al Quirinale
    rome, 1658-1670