art history

  • 30,000 BCE

    Lascaux Cave Paintings (France)

    Lascaux Cave Paintings (France)
    These painting were some of the first cave paintings discovered. These were pound in southwestern France. Most of the paintings here were made in direct contrast with what they saw. They were made out of things they found in the environment that they could paint with.
  • Period: 30,000 BCE to 10,000 BCE

    Paleolithic (Old Stone Age) Art

  • 16,000 BCE

    Disemboweled bison and bird-headed human figure

    Disemboweled bison and bird-headed human figure
    This depicts a Bison with its intestines coming out. It is glorifying the hunt and what humans have to do to survive. It is also glorifying the animal and what it means to them in their society.