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Art History

  • 15,000 BCE

    Lascaux Caves

    Lascaux Caves
    The caves changed the way we viewed early humans. The paintings reveal the development of their brains and understanding of knowledge. They represented events in life and animals through the cave paintings.
  • 105

    Ts’ai Lun

    Ts’ai Lun
    Invented paper and proposed it to the emperor of the Han Dynasty. Used bark from trees such as bamboo in order to make it.
  • 1450

    Johannes Gutenberg & The Printing Press

    Johannes Gutenberg & The Printing Press
    The invention of the printing press changed the world forever as communication greatly increased with the ability to spread news so quickly around the world.
  • Victorian

    The Victorian era of art was known mostly for there form of architecture and romantic painting styles. Sculptures during this period of time were not very emotional, but rather lifeless.
  • Chromolithography

    A method for making multicolored prints of images. This is how photographs are reproduced.
  • Arts & Crafts Movement

    Arts & Crafts Movement
    The movement focused on changing or reforming decoration and design as result of a decline in the quality of machine produced products.
  • Art Nouveau

    Art Nouveau
    The Art Nouveau movement worked to input a new decorative style versus what had been popular directly prior. Much of the art stemmed from natural forms such as flowers.
  • Futurism

    The futurism movement emphasizes ideas such as speed and youth, shown through ideas in art such as cars and cities. The works were vibrant and modern.
  • Vienna Workshop

    Vienna Workshop
    The Vienna Workshop combined multiple ideas from different movements in an attempt to reshape the production of art. They focused on the best and highest quality design, not mass production, focusing on highly esteemed clients.
  • Early Modern

    Early Modern
    The Early Modern Art period dealt a lot with expressing the conflicts of the time period. Great painters did most of the works which reflect the period, changing styles of art.
  • Heroic Realism (Propaganda)

    Heroic Realism (Propaganda)
    This form of design was used in order to reveal the figure as being heroic and attract people to a cause. It was used often during war time, in the United States and also in Communist and Fascist counties.
  • Bauhaus

    Focused on combating the dullness of machine work by putting an artists touch on everyday items. Helped to reclassify in many’s eyes the fine arts as the visual arts.
  • Constructivism

    Formed in Russia, based around the modern industrial world. Abstract pieces which consisted of many industrial parts and influenced modern sculpture greatly.
  • Art Deco

    Art Deco
    Art Deco is based around visual art forms such as architectural design. It had a broad impact on buildings, cars, boats, radios, furniture and also additional pieces. It was luxurious and glamorous during its time, using geometric shapes and metals such as chrome and steel.
  • Swiss

    Swiss design was built to be clear, concise, and sharp. It is straight to the point, based on showing the viewer text and images in order to convey information.
  • Jackson Pollock

    Jackson Pollock
    Pollock forever influenced the art world through his freestyle drip paintings. Rather than conforming to normal style and work, he set up his canvas on the group and actively spread paint on it.
  • Late Modern

    Late Modern
    The Late Modern art period took place following World War Two. Contemporary pieces of art. Many debate about the classification of early modern, late modern, and post modern.
  • Paul Rand

    Paul Rand
    Rand was an American Art Director and famous logo designer. He greatly impacted the art of logo design, by producing logos for companies such as UPS, IBM, and ABC.
  • Pop Art

    Pop Art
    New York artists such as Andy Warhol, made a great impact on the art world by using every day items to protest the recurring themes of power and religion.
  • Leroy Winbush

    Leroy Winbush
    Set standard by becoming first African American member of the Art Director’s Club of Chicago. He was known for his work in the works he displayed in the financial district of Chicago.
  • Psychedelic

    Art form inspired by works formed from the experiences following the consumption of hallucinogenic drugs. The artist worked to form the world they see after the use of drugs such as LSD, in their art.
  • Post Modern

    Post Modern
    The works of post modern artists focused on conflicting some of the principles set fourth by modernism. Much multimedia aspects such as video and production is considered post modern.
  • Grunge

    Grunge artist focused on freedom to do as you want and chose and completely breaking conventional societal bounds.
  • Flat

    The works of art focused on two dimensional aspects. There was no highlight or shadow aspect to try and form a three dimensional, real appearance to the works of art.
  • Cinemagraph

    New concept of moving photographs introduced in the 21st century. The works of art brought a new level of design to all aspects of art.