Period: 25,000 BCE to 20,000 BCE
Venus of Willendorf
Small sculpture from Austria, representing power of female fertility. Aided reproductive rituals in Paleolithic era. -
Period: 495 BCE to 429 BCE
Rebuilt the acropolis focusing on beauty and craft. Today it is one of the most celebrated pieces of architecture. -
Period: 327 BCE to 27 BCE
Hellenistic Period
Greece - Aristotle's writing on education with sculpture showed balance -
Period: 400 to 1400
Middle Ages
All to honor God. Activities and craft helped keep hands busy and out of trouble. -
Period: 1070 to 1079
The Bayeux Tapestry
Will get more info on this later -
Madonna Ruccelai
Tutankhamun's Mask
death masks believed to strengthen the spirit of the mummy and guard it from harms of afterlife. Made from gold and gemstones and by sculpture. -
Ambrogio Lorenzetti
Detail of the effect of good government -
Period: 1368 to
Ming Dynasty
Period: 1395 to Jul 9, 1441
Jan Van Eyke Lifespan
Period: 1400 to 1527
Linear perspective is clear and visible in artworks. Realism takes shape as well, where many artists make the lighting and subjects realistic. -
The Wedding Portrait
Painted by Jan Van Eyck in Northern Europe. Very symbolic to being married, life, and having a family. This is painted in the bedroom and woman is painted as if she were pregnant in hopes of starting a family. -
Emerald Buddha
In thailand made of semi precious green stone more like jade. 19 in by 20 in. Might come from India or Sri Lanka because this position is not common in early Thailand. All outfits are made of gold and precious and semi precious stones. Brought Buddha out to relieve calamities but the tradition has been ceased. -
Lucca Madonna
Painting by Jan van Eyck consisting of the Virgin Mary nursing the baby Jesus. Mary becomes the heart of the architecture. Lions reference the throne of Solomon. On the windowsill there are either apples or oranges and oranges are symbols of paradise whilst apples are symbolic of sin. -
Dance of death
Janez iz Kastva showing skeletons follow all through life. -
Period: 1509 to 1511
Raphael's School of Athens
Fresco- tempura into wet plaster -
Madonna of Loreto
Joseph is thought to be psychic so he looks worse off then Mary to seem to be seeing the future. New x-ray technology lets us see what has been changed in the painting. Joseph has been painted over what once was a window and the baby Jesus' left foot has been realigned. Mary is depicted as a very young woman. -
Adam and Eve
Painting by Lucas Cranach the Elder including lots of animal symmetry and the idea that female sexuality and temptation is linked with sin. Eve offering Adam an Apple is symbolic of sin and her sexuality -
Venus of Urbino
Painting by Titian showing her sensual depiction and the male ideal. -
Le Transi de Rene de Chalon
Lidier Richier when first made his actual dried heart was in his hand. undecided if it was decided by the prince or his wife. A reminder that flesh is temporary. -
The Triumph of Death
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, showing death is in totality that all die. there's a scorched earth that seems burned down. Skeletons taking over the living. Theres people from different aspects of life all being taken by death. -
Pieter Claesz lots of allegory and symbolism in painting. Usually a vanities includes a skull, timepiece, wine glass knocked over and half eaten food. -
Venus and Adonis
Peter Paul Rubens painting of Venus with son cupid and she has been pricked by his arrow and fallen for Adonis. Strong feminist view because the women is in control. -
Age of Absolutism
French Academy: 2 hrs a day for drawing; taught architecture, geometry, perspective, arithmetic, anatomy, and history. -
Self Portrait
Rembrandt Von Rijn -
Pallace of Versailles
Territory in the hands of French royalty originally purchased by Louis the 13th. Originally purchased as a place to go hunting. Hunting lodge encompassed by palace as a power move. Louis the 14th made this to show his encompassing reign. Had multiple architects because once one got something done he would die. He moved the entire court out there for ceremonies when you wake up and go to bed. The interior is overwhelming as a love of excess, gold, and ornate furnishings to enforce their power. -
Period: to
E-L Boulee
Created architecture that speaks. Very few of his buildings were ever built. Shows attitudes of neoclassical architecture. -
Ancient Rome
By Giovanni Paolo Panini trar references classic greek architecture -
Self Portrait
Gone Y Lucientes oil on canvas -
The Death of Marat
Marat is a friend of Jacques Louis David and they were both French revolutionaries. Marat has to be in the bathtub a lot because of a skin disease. He has been murdered by a woman and he is holding a letter that let her gain access to his living area. The background has nothing which was unusual for the time. Marat resemble Jesus as a savior or hero. David painted his skin ideally because we don't see his skin condition. -
self portrait -
The Raft of Medusa
Theodore Gericault government vessel that got lost off the African coast probably transporting slaves. He studied dead bodies, took in people accounts of the wreck and built a model of the raft -
Hampstead Heath with Bathers
John Constable landscape painting showing emotions of land -
The Gleaners, Brighton
John Constable depicts the reuse of the landscape after harvest -
The Sea near Brighton
John Constable the sky is the biggest part that becomes the focus and shows emotion -
Joseph Nicephore Niece- View from the window at le gras
Heliography exposure that took at least a day but possibly longer. It was printed on a metal plate. -
Period: to
Edouard Manet Lifespan
Arc De Triomphe
Monument commissioned by Napoleon that is a neoclassical monument to honor the dead and the end of the royal family and he is the first emperor. -
The course of Empire- The savage state
Thomas Cole founder of Hudson River school, depicts how industry ruins nature. Nature exists outside of human experience. -
self-portrait looks confident -
Period: to
Charles Sanders Pierce
Added the interpretant to the signified and the signifier. What the audience or interpreter makes of the sign. Further breaks it down into the icon index and the symbol. Icon-resembles what it means. Index- smoke to fire or footprint to foot, connection to signified. Symbol- socially agreed upon arbitrary relationship to signified. -
Courbet Gustave
Self portrait -
Norham Castle, Sunrise
Joseph Turner shows elemental vortex -
Period: to
Vincent Van Gogh's Lifespan
Valley of The Shadow of Death
Picture taken by Fenton Rodger during the Korean War. Many believed Rodger had the cannonballs placed for the picture and it did not happen due to firing. -
By Edouard Manet is of a prostitute that is in full control of her sexuality based on her body language and for the male audience. -
Period: to
Ferdinand DeSaussure
Signifier and signified. Signifier is the physical existence and the signified is what it could be -
"Le Déjeuner sur I'herbe" ("The Luncheon on the Grass")
Painted created by Edouard Manet where the perspective was really starting to lose the realism. -
The Harvest of Death
Timothy H O'Sullivan images of union dead on the battlefield at Gettysburg. He moved bodies to set up the pictorial composition. -
Woman with Parrot
By Gustave Courbet depicts a nude women who is a mess and not only a piece of male desire but she is already used up. Painting was offensive to people at the time. -
Arrangement in Grey and Black No. 1
By James McNeill Whistler. Painting of his mother as steer and hard instead of the soft sexual mother figure. -
Entree du village de voisins
A piece by Camille Pissarro in which impressionism is a reaction to photography. Artists don’t need to paint to show what something looks like so now its like paint and light and the experience and not showing objects. Painting is now about paint and brushstrokes. -
The Gross Clinic
Thomas Eakins in the surgical theater used for not just amputation but to help people and be productive. Made sketches for this in a surgical theater. -
L'inconnue de la seine
Body found in a seine and she showed no signs of the agony of death or a struggle so it is thought to be suicide. 16 year old girl drowned in river. Got out in society and women wanted to replicate due to her beauty. -
The Sick Husband
By Vassily Makisimov Image of a women praying for her sick husband. Icon corner that is organized facing east. Russian orthodox tradition wants people to have a spot in their home to worship. Icons of Christ's and lesser known patrons or saints. Usually an oil lamp in front of the icon and the lamp must be burning at all times. Visible when you first enter the house, say hello to the icons before you say hello to the people. -
Bar at the Follie Bergere
Painting by Edouard Manet depicting a bar maid that is a prostitute and aware of the male gaze upon herself. -
Portrait of the Artists Mother
Work by Vincient Van Gogh depicting his mother -
By Marie Cassatt of a women breastfeeding her child showing her motherhood. Women were limited to their abilities at this time as far as painting because they would have to pay to learn more. -
Period: to
Art Nouveau
Looked at abstracted cuvulienear forms inspired by plants and flowers -
The Banjo lesson
Henry Ossawa Tanner, oil on canvas, One of the first African American artists to achieve any notoriety on his artwork. The first and only black student to attend the Pennsylvania institute of fine arts. -
The three stages of Women
Piece by Edvard Munch that shows motherhood sexuality and reclaiming the female image. Contains the virgin bride, sexual female body, the matron, and death. -
Period: to
Albert Speer
Lead architect for nazi party. Hitler believed his new nation should connect to Ancient Greek architecture. Major buildings should be built so they leave aesthetically pleasing ruins. Ruin as a symbol of great civilization. He wanted to take over Berlin to rebuild it. New plans included a 300 mile long boulevard with a large Nazi Panthenon at the end. Zeppenfield was only building built and location of olympics. Haus Der Kunst only building left after war. -
He That Is Without Sin
By Polenov is a religious allegory. Shown through catholicism and orthodox mythology. -
Death and the Maiden
Marianne Stokes depicts death as a female -
Tote Mutter
Piece by Egon Schiele that depicted a mother as bony and a newborn baby with a mother that died in childbirth. Child is brighter colors because the child is alive and the mother is facing a desaturation in color. -
Period: to
Asger Jorn
Painter and sculptor with realism before his time and total abstraction. Landscape paintings it the only things people like. In 1964 he was offered a Guggenheim grant and he refused the grant which is a rare occasion. -
0.10 Exhibition
Supremist exhibition. History needed to be started again at 0. Replaces Jesus with a black square to create a portal icon. Interested in geometric abstraction. Geometric forms have movement. -
Monument to the Third International
By Vladamir Tatlin never actually built but is repeated and reimagined by other artists -
Evening Attire
James Van Der Zee, photographer for black political figures-Marcus Garvey -
Dia de los Muertos
Diego Rivera assured the dead will be assaulted if they see us mourning so this is to combat that in celebrating the you're alive now. -
Battleship Potemkin
Propaganda Film by Sergei Eisenstein. Hyper simplify extreme characters. brought in the idea of montage. -
The Treachery of images
this is not a pipe -
Period: to
Guy DeBord
Psychogeography the study of precise laws and specific effects of the geographical environment consciously organized or not on the emotions and behaviors of individuals. Derive: a mode of experimental behavior linked to the conditions of urban society a technique of rapid passage through varied ambiances. -
Migrant Mother With Three Children
Piece by Dorothea Lange commissioned by the government to be a symbol of the Great Depression to show struggle of the people affected. -
Kathe Kollwitz was famous for printmaking. These are drawings during WW1 and into the horror of WW2. She was considered a degenerate artist by Hitler. Shows struggles with death. Nazis used one of her images in propaganda but they were going to send her to a concentration camp. -
Veranda Post: Female Caryatid and Equestrian Figure
Sculpture created by Olowe of Isle in Nigeria, Africa. Its purpose was to reinforce power of the local king. -
The Two Fridas
By Frida Kahlo showing the two parts of her and one was dismissed by her husband. -
Crime Scene Photography
Wee Gee press photographer in the 30s-50s in New York. Gave look into underbelly of New York. Fetishization of crime. -
Period: to
Montien Boonma
creating space within space. Thai artist that is buddhist. concentration of his experience with the natural world and his spirituality. Viewers are invited to come into the work and participate. Sight of mental activity and a place to meditate. They are closed and open, private and public, opaque and perforated. Highly spiritual and intellectual ways to see Thai culture. -
Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)
By Salvador Dali polyhedron net od a tesserection hypercube. Thinking about future and technology and fourth dimension. -
Anthropometry of the Blue Period
Yves Klien used female bodies covered in paint as a 'stamp' to put onto paper to create art. The women didn't feel like they were being disrespected and felt like collaborators with Yves. -
The Situationist International
They were inspired by the ideas of dada and surrealists. They felt it needed more rigor and impact. Asger Horn was a founding member and so was Guy DeBord. -
Twelve Electric Chairs
Andy Warhol acrylic and silkscreen ink on canvas. Shows impending death and the limited space between life and death. -
One and Three Chairs
By Joseph Kosuth shows icon object and the symbol of a chair -
Period: to
On Kawara Today
Japanese artist that died in 2014. He made date paintings with white lettering on black background sometimes the size is slightly different or the black is slightly different. There is a news clipping on the back but when it is hung on the wall you don't see the back. If he couldn't finish it in a day then he would destroy it. It is all hand painted. He would register them on a calendar. Nearly 3000 exist. -
By Hello Oiticica who made sculptural works to wear and dance in and feel free. -
Helio Oiticica made with foam books hay and sand and you can listen to music with screen pods. Almost like an interactive experience showing culture. -
The Door
David Hammons, exploring through sculpture black identity -
Bas Jan Ader conceptual artist that were tender. Takes photographs right before falling -
The Rothko Chapel
Non denominational chapel in texas. Contains dark color hue Rothko paintings. Building dedicated to the paintings in a octagonal shape and had a bunch of opinions about lighting in the area. The plans went through a lot of revisions and went through many architects. He did not live long enough to see the completion because after Rothko's struggle with depression he committed suicide in New York. -
The Holy Mountain
By Alejandro Jodorowsky made a film that is a surrealist film. The main character is a thief that goes to a marketplace and gets drunk and so they use his image because he looks like Jesus and reproduced his image, -
Interior Scroll
By Carolee Schneeman where she would stand on a table cover herself in mud and the remove a scroll from her vagina while reading it to the audience. Performance in east Hampton New York in front of an audience of mostly women. Words on scroll become part of her book in 1975. -
From Silueta Series
By Ana Mendieta where she puts her body or representations of her physical body into nature. She works directly with the landscape. -
TV Buddha
BY Nam June Paik. Allowing an icon into his work with a period of self reflection due to technology -
In Search of the Miraculous
Bas Jan Ader wanted to go across the Atlantic Ocean 9 months after the boat was found capsized. A fisherman found the boat and took it too a junkyard where the ship was stolen. People think they sometimes see him sailing and that he did not die at sea so his death is still unknown. -
House #3
Francesca Woodman takes photos of women usually naked or barley clothed in a ghost like sense because they are blurry. She committed suicide at age 22 -
Quitling Time
Romare Bearden working in the 1930s-1960s as a social worker -
Fallen Angel
Jean-Michel Basquiat, graffiti artist, contemporary approach to expressionist painting. -
Period: to
Immediate Family
Sally Mann who is a controversial American Photographer. A part of a series that showed a sensual side of childhood. People received these portraits of her children as child pornography. Treating children as adult subject that shows a shift in cultural experiences. -
Guerrilla Girls
All are anonymous in an activist group. When they are in public they wear guerrilla masks. They try to put it in the faces of everyone to make them accountable for the unfairness of women in art. -
Performance Still
Mona Hatoum walks barefoot through the streets of London with Doc Martin boots tied to her feet. Circumambulation which is the act of walking around something sacred in a ritualistic manor. -
Immersion (piss christ)
By Andres Serrano took different pieces of christ and submerged them in liquids. Experience of everything on a cross because everything is shown. -
A Fire in my Belly
By filmmaker David Wojnarowicz who died of aids later. Dealed with a gay man who was suffering from love and loss through aids. -
By Rasheed Arleen. He didn't receive much acknowledgement because there was an anti-islamic world. Photography that is overlayed. Spilled blood in the center by taking cues from islamic history. He is alienated from his own culture but also alienated from the new culture. -
Just Seeds
Artists network organizations committed to social environmental and political engagement. Organization that groups can reach out to and tell them about what they are doing and they will come up with a poster design for the organization. -
Buddha statue of Hyderabad
Located in india. Buddha fell over and killed 10 people when they were putting it up. -
The Kitchen Table Series
Carrie Mae Weems, Most famous work that focuses on home, family, beauty, and community. -
Monywa Buddhas
One reclining and one standing. The body is a building that can be entered. The standing one was not built until 2008. On the walls inside of the reclining Buddha is scenes of Buddhist hell. -
The Temple of all Religions
IIdar Khanov in Kazan Russia combining different stylistic structures of religion and when finished will show all 16 major world religions -
Four untitled Etchings
Glen Ligon finds solace in the words of other people, he writes in repetition and exploring the power of text. -
Mining the Museum
Fred Wilson, revolutionized modern museums, Institutional critique asks why is history always presented the same way. Why do we give power to one voice and what is the roll of the gallery college and museum in flipping societal norms -
Louise Bourgeois' work is extremely symbolic. The spider is a symbol of her mother. -
New Mother Series
Photography by Rineke Dijkstra of mothers right after they give birth and are able to stand up and hold a child. -
By Rudolf Stingel. Became hip to be involved in some versions of religion like meditation. Meditation became cool but no one committed to it. The Buddha is made of rubber and is carrying everyday objects to show cultural appropriation. -
Faceless Women of Allah
By Shirin Neshat. she is confronting what the role of a women in the history of Iran. Weapon divides image in half representing a split in the soul, beauty and violence, or east and west. -
Electronic Superhighway
Cultural shift shown by Nam June Paik consisting of the continental US and Alaska and Hawaii -
Mr and Mrs Andrews without their Heads
Yinka Shonibare, uses England colonialism in Nigeria shown through cultured sculpture -
Holocaust Memorial
Rachel Whiteread concrete cast of the inside of a library -
The Swing (after Fragonard)
sculptural version without the head shown culturally -
Installation at 8th International Istanbul Biennial
1050 chairs that show the representation of mass graves and what war can do. The fact that there is a chair implies that there is a body. -
Memorial to the murdered Jews of Europe
By Peter Eisenman Made up of 2711 stone slabs at historical tomb markers. It's in Berlin and this is judge by lack of information and being too abstract. To accommodate criticisms they built a underground information center. They are all unique in shape and size. Identyless blocks but theres also uniformity and individualized. -
Maren Hassinger sculpture of pink plastic bags with love notes inside -
The Giant 2
David Altmejd uses a blending of materials to show depiction of life -
King of Kings or Touchdown Jesus
Struck by lightning in 2010 and caught fire. Then the church re built it and made it not flameable. -
No Seconds
Henry Hargreaves found out what all the last meals were and recreated them and photographed them. -
Standing Man
Erdem Gundez is a Dancer and choreographer and became the face of the Turkish protest by standing still. -
The Incidental Insurgents
Both live in Israel and created a 3 part piece about the radical lives of their ancestors. Shows the future as an imaginary place. Some stories in their work are real and some are not with three stories playing out next to each other. -
Asphalt and Chalk
Titus Kaphar a desire for memorialization that the media isn't allowing -
The living need light the dead need Music
By the propeller group and musical journey through the death culture of south Vietnam -
Monochrome Black History
Theater Gates contains 1990s book that show black lives -
Canoe Kene Jaguar Pata Lamp Light
Ernesto Neto collaboration on an insulation in austria. His works contain pods sometimes made out of hosiery and sand. He refers to them as hanging fabric stalagtights. Convinces the viewer to touch feel lay down and experience the art work. Neto and 37 members of the community are creating an area for healing through their music. Take over a Vietnamese classical building and transform the building. they cover the area with fabric and the space contains a spiritual center. -
Removal of US Confederate Monuments
People began questioning why we kept these up due to slavery -
a sign is a symbol which is understood to have meaning