
Art History

  • 2,500,000 BCE

    Cave art

    Cave art
    Cave art began. Cave art was painted on ceilings and walls in Europe and Asia
  • 2,500,000 BCE

    Olduwan culture

    Olduwan culture
    Olduwan culture began Main key of this culture was the ability of chipping stones to create a chopping or cutting edge
  • 40,000 BCE

    Clactonian Culture

    Clactonian Culture
    Emergence of Clactonian culture of European flint tool manufacture.
  • 40,000 BCE

    Paleolithic art

    Paleolithic art
    End of Paleolithic art and end of the last ice age
  • 40,000 BCE

    Cave art

    Cave art
    Start of Aurignacian art - the beginning of cave art around the world.
  • 15,000 BCE

    Magdalenian art begins

    Magdalenian art begins
    Final major culture of the upper paleolithic, this culture is practiced by homo Sapiens across western and central europe. This culture replaced all earlier Aurignacian, Gravettian and Solutrean influence
  • 10,000 BCE

    Mesolithic Era

    Mesolithic Era
    This era had wide variety of races. It included brachycephalic humans which are short skulled and dolichopehalic humans who are long skulled
  • 2500 BCE

    Saharan Culture

    Saharan Culture
    Dabous Giraffe Engravings, Taureg Saharan culture.
  • 1500 BCE

    Iron art

    Iron art
    Iron age art begins in europe. At the same time the first bronze sculpture appears in china
  • 1250 BCE

    Colossus in Memphis

    Colossus in Memphis
    Rameses II builds the Colossus at Memphis
  • 1184 BCE

    Troy coming down

    Troy coming down
    Fall of Troy in Asia Minor.
  • 1100 BCE

    kingdom of Israel

    kingdom of Israel
    Foundation of the Kingdom of Israel
  • 800 BCE

    Settlers In Rome

    Settlers In Rome
    Earliest settlement appear on the palatine Hill in Rome
  • 750 BCE

    Greek alphabet

    Greek alphabet
    Greek alphabet was created
  • 750 BCE


    Foundation of Ancient Rome. Legend has it that rome was founded on April 21. Founded by the twin brothers of Romulus and Remus . Eventually having a political growth like the greek city states.
  • 535 BCE

    Figure style

    Figure style
    High point of Greek black-figure style of ceramic pottery. Soon followed by red-figure. This one of the styles that was used to describe the vases. Very common between the 5th and 7th century of BCE
  • 400 BCE

    Estrucan Works

    Estrucan Works
    Famous Etruscan works: Capitoline Wolf and Chimera of Arezzo. The Etruria Works was a ceramics factory opened by Josiah Wedgwood in 1769 in a district of Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire, England, which he named Etruria.
  • 455

    Valentinian III becomes the Roman Emperor

    Valentinian III becomes the Roman Emperor
    Valentinian III, Roman Emperor
  • Nov 28, 1300

    The Badia Polyptych is completed

    The Badia Polyptych is completed
    Giotto completes the Badia Polyptych
  • Jan 28, 1503

    Mona Lisa

    Mona Lisa
    The Mona Lisa was created in 1503
  • 1st public art exhibition

    1st public art exhibition
    1st public art exhibition at the Palais-Royale in Paris
  • Madame Francois Buron

    Madame Francois Buron
    Madame Francois Buron was painted 1769
  • Neoclassicism Movement

    Neoclassicism Movement
    In the 1800's there was the Neoclassicism Movement with art
  • Birth of Thomas Eakins

    Birth of Thomas Eakins
    Thomas Eakins American realist painter, photographer, sculptor, and fine arts educator.
  • Realist Movement

    Realist Movement
    Courbet made his name synonymous with the young Realist movement
  • Bridgeton crossing

    Bridgeton crossing
    The atmospheric and nostalgic painting of "Bridgeton Cross" was painted