Art History

  • 750 BCE


    Rome was founded in 750 bc by Remus and his brother Romus.
  • 750 BCE

    Greek alphabet

    Greek alphabet
    This is the first time that the greek alphabet was put into use. Today greek letters are still used at frat houses and sororities.
  • 700 BCE

    Etruscan Civilization

    Etruscan Civilization
    It was the modern name given to ancient Italy and it was the highest civilization before the rise of Rome. They migrated from Lidia to Italy in 12,000 bce.
  • 539 BCE

    Persians conquer Mesopotania

    Persians conquer Mesopotania
    In the year 539 B.C.E the Persians conquered Mesopotania and built the great city of Persepolis. This city was critical for the Persians success.
  • 535 BCE

    High point of Greek styled black pottery.

    High point of Greek styled black pottery.
    This pottery had a black figures followed with a different colored back ground and led to much more different colored pottery such as red pottery being created.
  • 500 BCE

    Celtic La Tene art begins

    Celtic La Tene art begins
    This type of art is swirly and is often used on metal work. In my opinion this form of art is some of the nicest art created during this time.
  • 447 BCE

    Construction of Parthenon begins

    Construction of Parthenon begins
    The Parthenon was one of the most influential buildings made because a lot of modern buildings such as the white house are made similar to it.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the great dies and hellenistic art begins.

    Alexander the great dies and hellenistic art begins.
    Alexander the great was one of the greatest conquers in the history of the world. When he died most of what he ruled especially the out skirts of his territory began to break off from the Roman Empire. After his death hellenistic art began which was crucial to the culture of the romans.
  • 206 BCE

    Han dynasty art

    Han dynasty art
    The Han dynasty art made Porcelain art which is a form of pottery.
  • 150 BCE

    famous Greek sculptures were made

    famous Greek sculptures were made
    From the years 156 B.C.E to about 100 B.C.E many famous sculptures were made such as the Pergamon altar of Zeus. Also many art schools were hitting their high points.
  • 150 BCE

    Venus di Milo was made

    Venus di Milo was made
    This statue is a very well known statue of Greek art.
  • 50 BCE

    Beginning of mummy art portraits

    Beginning of mummy art portraits
    Mummy art portraits were paintings of mummy found in Ancient Egypt. These painting were made until 250 C.E.
  • 42 BCE

    Famous greek sculpture Lacoon was made.

    Famous greek sculpture Lacoon was made.
    It is monumental and is a very well known sculpture of Hellenistic art.
  • 27 BCE

    Roman empire begins

    Roman empire begins
    The Roman Empire had a lot of amazing art.
  • 329

    Christianity is legalized in Rome

    Christianity is legalized in Rome
    Te Edict of Milan legalized Christianity. By doing this biblical art was finally able to be seen. Also, it led to more biblical art being created because people weren't getting persecuted for it.
  • 395

    St.Peters Basilica was completed

    St.Peters Basilica was completed
    The church of St.Peters is one of the most well known churches in the world today. For an old building it has many modern art qualities such as the arches used on it.
  • 500

    Beginning of Medieval art

    Beginning of Medieval art
    Medieval art was often pictures of religion and stuff involving religion such as churches and saints. This time period was often referred to as the Dark Ages.
  • 537

    Hagia Sophia was built

    Hagia Sophia was built
    Located in Constanople it was one of the greatest creations of their time period.
  • Nov 23, 800

    Celtic/Saxon art manuscripts were made.

    Celtic/Saxon art manuscripts were made.
    Illuminated gospel manuscripts was rewritten passages in the bible with pictures surrounding it.
  • Nov 23, 800

    Carlogian arr flourishes

    Carlogian arr flourishes
    Carolinian art is the main achievements of medival art.
  • Nov 24, 1017

    Medival manuscript illumination were made

    Medival manuscript illumination were made
    It is the special importance to fine art painting.
  • Nov 24, 1050

    Kandairya Hindu Temple was built

    Kandairya Hindu Temple was built
    Its one of the most magnificent religious works of art in all of Asia. It is comparable to gothic and Renaissance architecture.
  • Nov 24, 1145

    Bayeux Tapestry was commissioned by Bishop Odo

    Bayeux Tapestry was commissioned by Bishop Odo
    Its 231 feet long and has lots of amazing design to it.
  • Nov 24, 1250

    oil paints first used

    oil paints first used
    Oil paint is used in paintings and had a huge affect on paintings.
  • Nov 24, 1387

    The Black death

    The Black death
    The black death was a disease that killed over a third of Europes population. This effected art because there was less artist in Europe.
  • Nov 28, 1530

    Italian Renaissance

    Italian Renaissance
    The renaissance started in Italy. Many important figures of that time such as Micheanglo and Divinci did most of their work there.
  • Baruch Art

    Baruch Art
    Baruch art is irregular pearl and stone art made in churches. It had a huge impact on the catholic counter reformation.
  • Building of Taj Malhal

    Building of Taj Malhal
    The Tag Mahal is an amazing Indian kingdom that shows the true culture of indian history.
  • Colonial Art

    Colonial Art
    This art was made in the New England and Carolina areas. It shows us the life of the colonist and their relationships with Native Americans and the British
  • Beginning of French Revolution

    Beginning of French Revolution
    The French revolution played a huge role on art.
  • Romanticism Era

    Romanticism Era
    Romanticism art was a return to nature based on an emphasis of spontaneous plain-air painting. These paintings promoted the pureness and goodness of humans, and a strong emphasis on senses and emotions.
  • Age of Modern art

    Age of Modern art
    Modern art is described as the art that we make today. Art is still evolving and soon there will be new modern art.
  • Age of Modern art

    Age of Modern art
    Modern art is described as the art that we make today. Art is still evolving and soon there will be new modern art.