Neo- Classical Period
Neo- Classical Period is a revival of the styles from Greek and Roman arts -
Period: to
Art snd History
John Locke is an enlightenment thinker, he came up with the idea of natural rights. Other enlightenment thinkers came the ideas such as seperation of power, rights for women, and freedom of speech. Enlightenment time period influenced the Idea of American, French and Latin Revolution. Citizens rebelled against their government and won independence. -
Jean- Francois de Troy
An artist during the Neo- Classical Period, french painter. he was born January 27 1679 in Paris- January 26 1752 rome. Dont mention what school they went to. He was a French Rococo painter and tapestry designer. He is most known for his large historical and allegorical compositions such as The Unveiling Truth( 1733, National Gallery London) . -
Mary Wolstoncraft, wan an enlightenment thinker who believed that women should have equal rights along with men. She wrote Vindication of the Rights of Women. -
American Revolution
The American Revolution began because the British were taxing the Colonists for debt from the war. The beagn in Lexington, Massachusets after the Colonists open fired on the British and killed 8 soldiers. The war lasted 8 years, it ended September 3, 1783 when the British surrounded. The basis of the war was for the Colonists to win their independence from the British and become a free country. -
Giovanni Battista Piranesi
An Italian Graver during the Neo Classical Period. One of the greatest printmakers of the eighteeth century, he recieved training in structural and hydraulic engineering. One of his famous artworks that won him an election to the Society of Antiquarians of London; Antichità Romane. -
French Revolution
The purpose of this war was to over throw the king; Absolute Monarchy into a Democracy. The war started with the attack on Bastille. -
Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution was a time period where new technologies suchs as machines, factories, and weapons were created. It began in Great Britain but within a few decades it spread to Western Europe and then the United States. The had a huge effect on society because during imperialism and WWI they were able to use the new technologies to defend themsleves againsts other countries. -
Edgar Degas- Impressionists
He was a French artits famous for his work in painting, sculpture and printmaking and drawing. He is known as one of the founders of impressionism. He was preferred to be called a realists. -
Claude Monet- Impressionists
He was the founder of French Impressionst paintings. He was born in France, and the most consistent practitioner of the movement's philosophy of expressing one's perceptions before nature. -
A time period in which countries took over other countries. Imperialism involves the take over of foreign countries for the purpose of exploiting and dominating both their labor forces and their markets. This made the colonizes weaker and anger and they wanted to rebell. -
This was an art movement in which artist were doing their own thing with art. They were like revols. They did not fllow the rules of Art and became real popular in Paris in the 1870s-1880s. -
World War 1
World War 1 was a global war that centered in Europe. Majority of the war stared because of Imperialism and colonizies were rebelling against the countries tking them over.After an Austria-Hungarian guy named Princep assassinated a German leader, Germany declared war. It started with the Triple Entente( United Kingdom, France, and Russia) and the Triple Alliance(Germany, Austria-Hugary, Italy). This ended with Amercia coming in and joining the Allied powers and helping them win. -
Egytptian Revolution
Thousands of people began to protest after their president Hosni Mubarak decided to bloack Twitter, which was being used by organizers to coordinate protests. Over the next few days they proceeded to block Facebook, while police took the streets and began arresting and injuring hundreds. -
Libyan Revolution
Lybians were casting a ballot to vote for a new prime minister. First free election since a revolution toppled the country's dictator. Moammar Gadhafi ruled since 1969 and it has been reported some violent incidents. -
Syria; Revolution
Syria has a dictator they do not like. The citizens are being punished for going against the government and plenty of them died and have been arrested. During one of their protest 10,000 people were suppose to be killed. The dictatorship is being ran by Hasfez Assad. Syria created a National Council and their goal was to overthrow Assad.