Art History

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  • Claude Monet "Woman With a Parasol"

    Claude Monet "Woman With a Parasol"
    Painting description/ analysis.
  • Pierre-August Renoir "Dance at the Moulin de la Gallette"

    Pierre-August Renoir "Dance at the Moulin de la Gallette"
    Painting description/ analysis.
  • Eduard Degas "L'Absinth"

    Eduard Degas "L'Absinth"
    Painting description/ analysis.
  • An American in Paris

    Description: Mary Cassat showcase her first work in a Paris gallery. Interpretation: This was significant because Mary Cassat was the first American and one of the first women to be embraced by the Impressionist artistis.
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    Harlem Renaissance

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    Great Depression

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    New Deal/ WPA

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    Degenerate Art/Holocaust