ART 201

  • 40,000 BCE

    Lion Man. c. 4000 BCE. Era: Pre-historic. Medium: Ivory Size: 31 cm

    Lion Man. c. 4000 BCE. Era: Pre-historic. Medium: Ivory  Size: 31 cm
    This pre-historic artifact was believed to depict a myth and used a ritual object. Historians has considered that it was to help connect them to nature on a deeper level of understanding.
  • Period: 40,000 BCE to

    Western Art

  • 23,000 BCE

    Venus of Willendorf c. 24000 - 22000. Era: Pre-historic Medium: Limestone Size: 11.1 cm

    Venus of Willendorf c. 24000 - 22000. Era: Pre-historic Medium: Limestone Size: 11.1 cm
    A small statue created during the Paleolithic era where humans had to travel constantly, therefore, historian believe that this statue was a small object they could carry around. Its also assumed that the figure was used as a representation of fertility and beauty because of the enlarged body and breast.
  • 3000 BCE

    Carved Vessel. c. 3300-3000 BCE. Era: Ancient Mesopotamia. Medium: Alabaster. Size: 91 cm

    Carved Vessel. c. 3300-3000 BCE. Era: Ancient Mesopotamia. Medium: Alabaster. Size: 91 cm
    Illustrate the role of a ruler and who he is in society. It has reliefs that show the way a society would function around Uruk. The bottom relief had crops, the next section would show domesticated animals and above those people who most likely were part of agriculture. Then the top part would show the high functioning part of society, teh king as a chief tpriest worshipping Inanna displays all the roles a king should uphold and what is most important to him in his kingdom.
  • 3000 BCE

    Stonehenge c. 3000. Era: Pre-historic. Medium: Stone. Size: about 8 miles

    Stonehenge c. 3000. Era: Pre-historic. Medium: Stone. Size: about 8 miles
    This monument was made during the Neolithic period and is known to be an advanced piece. It uses isn't entirely known but it is suspected to be used in rituals or as a calendars based on scholars research.
  • 2600 BCE

    Votive Statues. c. 2900-2600 BCE. Era: Ancient Mesopotamia. Medium: Limestone, Alabaster, Gypsum. Size: varied, largest size is 76.3 cm

    Votive Statues. c. 2900-2600 BCE. Era: Ancient Mesopotamia. Medium: Limestone, Alabaster, Gypsum. Size: varied, largest size is 76.3 cm
    These Votive statues were created as a mean to pray to their deities They were all made in the same position, standing upright with wide eyes and folding hands, supposedly to represent their prayers and loyalty.
  • 2490 BCE

    Menkaure and his Wife. 2490-2472 B.C.E.Era: Ancient Eygptian Medium: Graywacke traces of red/ black paint Size: 142.3 cm

    Menkaure and his Wife. 2490-2472 B.C.E.Era: Ancient Eygptian Medium: Graywacke traces of red/ black paint Size: 142.3 cm
    This Egyptian Statue was created to represent the power that Pharoh Menkaure had along with his wife. THe stances and positon of the figures allow the viewer to understand that they both help authority because of how uprtight they are and the smoothnes of the materila used.
  • 1750 BCE

    Stele of Hammurabi. c 1792 - 1750 BCE. Era: Ancient Mesopotamia Medium: Basalt Size: varied, largest size is 76.3 cm

    Stele of Hammurabi. c 1792 - 1750 BCE. Era: Ancient Mesopotamia Medium: Basalt Size: varied, largest size is 76.3 cm
    The stele describe the rules that King Hammurabi declared after reuniting Mesopatomia, they adress criminala and civil offenses. THe image portayed on top is King Hammarubi reciving the rules from thier sun god, Shamash.
  • 1336 BCE

    Tutmose, Nefertiti. c. 1353-1336 BCE.Era: Ancient Egyptian. Dynasty 18. Medium: Painted Limestone Size: 51 cm

    Tutmose, Nefertiti. c. 1353-1336 BCE.Era: Ancient Egyptian. Dynasty 18. Medium: Painted Limestone Size: 51 cm
    The bust of Nefertiti holds elegance and power. It represnt the power she supposdly held as a Pharoh during the time of King Tuts death. However, it doesnt hold any traditonal sybolism that most Pharoh bust would have.
  • 1275 BCE

    Hunefer’s Judgement in the presence of Osiris c. 1275Era: Ancient Egyptian. 19th Dynasty. Medium: Papyrus Size: 44.5 x 30.7 cm

    Hunefer’s Judgement in the presence of Osiris c. 1275Era: Ancient Egyptian. 19th Dynasty. Medium: Papyrus  Size: 44.5 x 30.7 cm
    A page from the Book of the Dead which was used to help guide and protect specific individuals who could afford the spells and rituals made a scribe for that specific person. This page depicts a soul guided by Anubis before Orisis and his sisters who listen Horus justify the soul's life as being told by the scale behind him.
  • 500 BCE

    Head form Nigeria. c. 500 BCE - 200 CE. Era: African. Medium: Terra cotta. Size: 36 cm

    Head form Nigeria. c. 500 BCE - 200 CE. Era: African. Medium: Terra cotta. Size: 36 cm
    This is an early African piece of Nok terra cotta. They are hollow coil-built pottery. They are mainly found as portrait head or bodies, however, damaged firm time. There isn't much information on them because of the lack of knowledge about th Nok culture.
  • 480 BCE

    Romulus and Remus with their wolf foster mother. c.500-480 BCE. Era: Ancient Roman Medium: Bronze Size: 85.1 cm

    Romulus and Remus with their wolf foster mother. c.500-480 BCE. Era: Ancient Roman Medium: Bronze Size: 85.1 cm
    This Roman sculpture represents the story of the birth of Rome. Its style differs in both Etruscan and Roman style because of the babies look different to the wolf you can see a difference in the characteristics. Its held as a narrative monument representing Rome.
  • 470 BCE

    Anavysos Kouros. c. 530 BCE. Era: Ancient Greek Medium: Marble with some paint Size: 1.93 ma

    Anavysos Kouros. c. 530 BCE. Era: Ancient Greek Medium: Marble with some paint Size: 1.93 ma
    This Ancient Greek sculpture holds the meaning of Young Man because that's what 'Kouros' signifies. This sculpture was made during the Archaic period of art as portrayed by the body figure and stance which mimics Egyptian style but also hold more anatomical details along with the known "Archaic smile".
  • 350 BCE

    Aphrodite of Knidos. c. 350 BCE. Era: Ancient Greek Medium: Marble Size: 6'8"

    Aphrodite of Knidos. c. 350 BCE. Era: Ancient Greek Medium: Marble Size: 6'8"
    The Aprodite of Knidos is known as an important element fomrt he classicla era of greece when it came to art. THe originol model is no longer with us toward instead ther are multiple copies. This sculpture was erotic becuase of how she was sculpted and hte gestures that are displayed. But the narrative display an orfdinary day for aphrodite which was her simply completing the action of taking a bath.
  • 20

    Augustus of Primaporta. c. 20 BCE. Era: Ancient Roman Medium: Marble, originally painted Size: 2.03 m

    Augustus of Primaporta. c. 20 BCE. Era: Ancient Roman Medium: Marble, originally painted Size: 2.03 m
    A roman sculpture made to commemorate Augustus as a great and powerful leader, it was made to represent his ability as a leader to not just his people but other countries than just a portrait. It was made during the classical era since his breast plate holds symbolism, which was used greatly during this time on statues.
  • 200

    The Unswept Floor. c. 2nd century. Era: Ancient Roman Medium: Mosaic (glass) Size: 4.05 m

    The Unswept Floor.  c. 2nd century. Era: Ancient Roman Medium: Mosaic (glass) Size: 4.05 m
    A roman mosaic that was made in Pompeii that makes up the image of multiple pieces of food and items left on the floor. Its meant to represent status becuase the images depicted are usually used or eaten by poepl with high class.
  • 426

    Good shepherd. c. 425-426 CE. Era: Byzantine Medium: Mosaic Size: 17.8 × 22.5 cm

    Good shepherd. c. 425-426 CE. Era: Byzantine Medium: Mosaic Size: 17.8 × 22.5 cm
    A mosiac made with jesus interpreted as a simple sheperd with carpenter clothing. Its located above a monumental grave, like the catacombs. It was one of th emost common images placed along these areas.
  • 460

    Riace Bronze Warriors. c. 460-450 BCE. Era: Ancient Greek Medium: bronze Size: 6'9"

    Riace Bronze Warriors.  c. 460-450 BCE. Era: Ancient Greek Medium: bronze Size: 6'9"
    These statues are evidence of the start of the classical period when idealized bodies were portrayed in art. Also resurfacing a lost bronze technique artifact. However, both statues have thier diffence becuase they wer done at two differnet times. Statue A is more older than Staue B but they both display great deatils of the human form.
  • 547

    Empress Theodora and her Attendants. c. 547 CE.Era: Byzantine Medium: Mosaic Size: 2.64 x 3.65 m

    Empress Theodora and her Attendants. c. 547 CE.Era: Byzantine Medium: Mosaic  Size: 2.64 x 3.65 m
    A mosaic in the Church of San Vitale. Its depiction is flat and doesnt hold any realim or natural feature. THe perspective is also not present whihc makes the figures look as though they are floating.
  • 600

    Barberini Ivory depicting Justinian. c. 600 CE Era: Byzantine Medium: Ivory Size: H. 34.2 cm; W. 26.8 cm

    Barberini Ivory depicting Justinian. c. 600 CE Era: Byzantine Medium: Ivory Size: H. 34.2 cm; W. 26.8 cm
    A relief made during the golden age of Justinian when he was reconquering areas of the Roman empire. It was made to show the power that Justin had when he was in power by displaying religious figures and blocking th eenmy.
  • 691

    Exterior view of the Dome of the Rock. c. 691 CE. Era: Islamic.

    Exterior view of the Dome of the Rock. c. 691 CE. Era: Islamic.
    The Dome of the Rock is an Islamic art piece becuase of its architectural structure along wiht the exterior design. THe Mosque it self holds multiple details that interconnect art even thought its done by using geoemtic designs and shape along with with religion. THis mosque is on of the most widely known buildings to the world becuase of its use wiht blue tiles. Insode the mosque it is said to hold the rock where Issac/Imail was to be sacrificed by Abrham to test his fait in God
  • 900

    Page from the Qur'an. 9th century. Era: Islamic. Medium: Vellum with black ink, pigments and gold. Size: 21.8 x 29.2 cm

    Page from the Qur'an. 9th century. Era: Islamic. Medium: Vellum with black ink, pigments and gold. Size: 21.8 x 29.2 cm
    its main focus is the caligraphy, that is the art perpective. SInce Islamic art is mainly realted to Muslims they could have an idol to worship in drawings so they would simply incorperate parts of the Qua'ran in beautiful caligraphy. THe Qua'ran is an important book whihc holds the Old Testement sof the Bible.
  • 1120

    The Last judgment. c. 1120-1130 CE. Era: Romansque. Medium: Stone

    The Last judgment. c. 1120-1130 CE. Era: Romansque. Medium: Stone
    This portal shows the narrative of God passing judgement on the dead. There is two sides Heaven and Hell and they both display an either gruesome faith or one of piece. THis relief was made to scare peoepl into following Christianity because if you did not convert then there would be no saving your soul.
  • 1120

    Pentecost and Mission to the Apostles. c. 1120-1130 CE. Era: Romansque Medium: Stone

    Pentecost and Mission to the Apostles. c. 1120-1130 CE. Era: Romansque Medium: Stone
    Ths central portal shows the narrative of the apostles receiving the holy spirit so they could share the word of god to other people around the world. The other people are seen around them and underneath because of the odd characteristics of how people from other regions looked.
  • 1130

    The bury of the bible. c. 1130-1135 CE. Era: Romansque

    The bury of the bible. c. 1130-1135 CE. Era: Romansque
    An illustrated Bible manuscript which is known as one of the greatest moments of Romanesque art. It shows both the text and art of the manuscript with color and a great example of English art.
  • 1140

    Stained glass in the apse of Saint-Denis. c. 1140-1144 CE. Era: Gothic. Medium: Glass. Size: varies

    Stained glass in the apse of Saint-Denis. c. 1140-1144 CE. Era: Gothic. Medium: Glass. Size: varies
    Stained glass was a new featuer included in churches becuase of the change in architerutural structure. Theey wer able to remove weight from the top and push it more towards the base and in the ares where windows wer placed. Tey wer made to illuminate the church and represtn the holy light of god. By including images in the glas it not only brough more of an enchanted effect becuase of the color but also illustrared stories of the bible or important figures.
  • 1200

    Crowned Head of a Ruler from Ife. c. 12-15 CE. Era: African. Medium: Bronze. Size: 24 cm

    Crowned Head of a Ruler from Ife. c. 12-15 CE. Era: African. Medium: Bronze. Size: 24 cm
    This bronze bust was something passed down in the family of the chief from their culture and tribe. The bust was made as a representation of the ruler before the current one, the facial feature would be neutral to show the power and status of the person along with the lines on the bust face. The method of making these bust was done with wax casting a lost technique.
  • 1280

    Virgina and child enthroned. c. 1280 CE. Era: Gothic. Medium: Tempra and gold on wood. Size: 3.53 x 2.2 m

    Virgina and child enthroned. c. 1280 CE. Era: Gothic. Medium: Tempra and gold on wood. Size: 3.53 x 2.2 m
    This piece was a common commision made for the church for the purpose and function of religion. THe painting was made by Cimbue who displays the Virgin wiht byzantine features like elongated nose, hands and neck wiht almond shape eyes. The painting also holds no depth or perspective but here is attempt becuase of the throne but one of it is organized.
  • 1338

    Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country. c. 1338-1340 CE. Era: Gothic. Medium: Fresco. Size: 14 m

    Effects of Good Government in the City and in the Country. c. 1338-1340 CE. Era: Gothic. Medium: Fresco. Size: 14 m
    This narrative showed how a government should work becuase its placed in ewhats seen as the city hall along with other frescos that show a bad government. The art isnt well developed in perspective or anatmy but movemnt is well seen in the fresco along witht he fact that its one of the first art pieces to include a landscape.
  • 1435

    Jacob abd Esau. c. 1435 Era: Renaissance Medium: Bronze

    Jacob abd Esau. c. 1435 Era: Renaissance Medium: Bronze
    A panel made for the Gates of Paradise by Ghiberti hold linear perspective which can be seen with the use of the checkered floor along with the variation of size the figure in the relief was made based on their distance in the panel. It was also made with the narrative of multiple stories in one. The figure in the panel also shows a great handle with bodies and emotion portrayed along the faces.
  • 1446

    David. c. 1446-1460 CE Era: Renaissance. Medium: Bronze

    David. c. 1446-1460 CE Era: Renaissance. Medium: Bronze
    Meant to reprsent Florence as the underdog who rose up this sculpture was seen as a symbol for the peoeple. This scultpure of David by DOnatello is the first nude full body sculptures sinc ntiquity. It is also one of the first comisions of art by the Medicci family for "art sake" instead of function.
  • 1509

    Philosophy. c. 1509-1511 CE. Era: Renaissance.

    Philosophy. c. 1509-1511 CE. Era: Renaissance.
    Also known commonly as the School of Athens. It is a fresco made in the Vatican's office to represent the values the was upheld even though it was not religious. There were three other frescos made along with this one. However, Raphael creation of Philosophy incorporates important figures form history who have helped moved philosophy both logically and creatively along. Raphael also incorporates other well-known artists who have helped move forward the advancement of art during the Renaissance.
  • 1525

    The Court of Gaumars, from the Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp. Sultan Muhammad. c.1525-1535 CE. Era: Islamic. Medium Paper with ink, pigments, and gold. Size: 47 x 31.8 cm

    The Court of Gaumars, from the Shahnama of Shah Tahmasp. Sultan Muhammad. c.1525-1535 CE. Era: Islamic. Medium Paper with ink, pigments, and gold. Size: 47 x 31.8 cm
    The Court of Gaumars is from an iluminated manuscript. it s apoem whihc explains the history of kingship in what now Iran. It hold fine detail and lots of colors that its known as one of histroys most compledx art productions of central asia. The interprettion of the painting varies from many scholars because of the multple factors whihc arise, if its part of a book or somthing else thats lost.
  • 1550

    Hip Pendant Representing an Iyoba. c. 1550 CE. Era: African. Medium: Ivory and copper. Size: 23.4 cm.

    Hip Pendant Representing an Iyoba. c. 1550 CE. Era: African. Medium: Ivory and copper. Size: 23.4 cm.
    Iyoba is translated to "Queen Mother" This pendant was made as a respect to the mother of the Ruler. It has naturalistic features and markings to indicate the gender. The craftsmanship is stylized to hold symbols of a partner in trade with Portugal, the mudfish. The pendant represents power and politics. Its given to the mother of the Obas first son the future ruler of their kingdom.
  • David. c. 1623-1624 CE. Era: Baroque. Medium: Marble. Size: 170 cm

    David. c. 1623-1624 CE. Era: Baroque. Medium: Marble. Size: 170 cm
    Another representation of David (by Bernini) but this one hold more movement and struggle within the sculpture. The previously known David where more ideal while this David shows more of the human aspect, something natural. You can see the emotion of struggle and the position he was carved into display more of an advanced understanding of the human body.
  • Ectasy of Saint Thersa. c. 1647-1652 CE. Era: Baroque. Medium: Marble.

    Ectasy of Saint Thersa. c. 1647-1652 CE. Era: Baroque. Medium: Marble.
    This sculpture is seen as theatrical and excessive in emotion which was what the baroque era was known for. THIs culture by Bernini represents the vision that Saint Teresa saw of falling into devotion to God and her faith. It narrates a quote recorded explaining why there is an angel with an arrow and her form of emotion. Bernini also uses the light from the window above to give the sculpture an more dramatic effect.
  • Las Meninas. c. 1656 CE. Era: Baroque. Size

    Las Meninas. c. 1656 CE. Era: Baroque. Size
    A painting by Diego Velazquez, which represent a royal family and the wedding of their daughter. The painting holds multiple hints of symbolism with the mirror in the back, the eye contact of the figure in the painting and the piece of art int he back of the room THis painting is also important because of the depiction of the royal daughter maidens who were dwarves, people you were not acustomed to seeing.