Arrivals that settled in Britain until 1066

  • 700 BCE

    The celts

    They came from northest and central Europe.
  • 55 BCE

    Julius Caesar

    Celtic Britain was invaded by the Romans under Julius Caesar. The invasions did not conquer Britain, but established it as a major trading partner of Rome.
  • 43


    Roman invasion ordered by Claudius, first emperor to make a successful invasion.
  • 60

    Warrior queen Boudica

    Revolt against the Roman occupation, led by Boudica of the Iceni, begins. She was defeated, and Roman rule was restored.
  • 84

    The Caledonian, a Celtic tribe

    Romans defeat Caledonians at the battle of Mons Graupius.
  • 410

    Last Roman leaves Britain

    Roman forces had been withdrawn, and small, isolated bands of migrating Germans began to invade Britain.
  • 449

    Hengest, Saxon leader, arrives in England

    1st Germanic invasion.
  • 793

    Viking raid on Lindisfarne

    Monasteries and minster churches were popular targets as they were wealthy and had valuable objects that were portable.
  • 878

    Alfred the Great, king of Wessex

    The only king that stopped the Vikings was defeated by the Vikings at the Battle of Edington.
  • 1066

    Norman conquest

    Under William the Conqueror