Jan 1, 1500
Hohokam Food in the 1500's
The Hohokam Indians ate wild fruits, seeds, nuts and roots, as well as their corn and squash crops. They hunted and trapped bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, white-tail deer, antelope, and rabbits. -
Food in the 1850's
Most people ate bread and meat, such as deer and beef. -
Food in the 1900's
Meat was very big in this time period. People still ate deer, as well as antelope, chicken, and other birds. -
Food in the 1950's
The biggest food trend in the 1950's was Mexican food, which was extremely popular ever since Woody Johnson brought masses of it across the border. -
Food in the 1970's
Mexican food was still very popular, but many people were starting to eat fast food. -
Food Today
Today, many people are choosing to eat gluten-free food, fast food from food trucks, and unusual foods such as chicken with waffles.