Argos Timeline

  • 146

    BC Argos conqured

    BC     Argos conqured
    Argos captured by Rome, trade flourished.
  • 146

    BC Argos was weak

    BC    Argos was weak
    Argos was weak after the death of Alexander the Great
  • 272

    BC Pyrrhus was killed

    BC     Pyrrhus was killed
    Pyrhus was killed in a attack.
  • 476

    BC Argos joined different empire

    BC    Argos joined different empire
    Argos became part Byzantine after Rome fell
  • B.C.E New equipment was found

    B.C.E         New equipment was  found
    Indoeuropean invaders came to Argos and introduce bronze and potter wheels.
  • BC Argos getting attacked

    BC     Argos getting attacked
    Argos power disappeared when Sparta took the city
  • BC Argos jonied a different group

    BC     Argos jonied a different group
    Argos jonied the Achaean league