
  • Mar 13, 1438


    Incan empire start
  • Dec 1, 1502


    Euripians come to argentina and the spanish conquor it
  • Spanish

    The spanish take control and conquor Argentina
  • THe Flag of Argentina

    THe Flag of Argentina
    The Argentinan flag is raised for the first time in Rosario
  • Date of Independence

    Date of Independence
    Argentina is freed from South African rule and becomes the Argentinan republic.
  • Constitution

    Argentina writes its first official governmental constitution.
  • A Federal Country

    A Federal Country
    The treaty of PIer declares Argentina as a federal country
  • Constitution II

    Constitution is reastablised with governmental rules
  • War

    Argintina declars war on Japan and Germany
  • Current President

    The Current president was sworn into office as president of argentina