Leopodo Galtieri
Leopoldo Galtieri becomes military leader and rules over Argentina -
Falklands War
Shortly after Galtieri becomes leader, Britain goes to war with 5000 Argentinian troops over the Falklands -
Port Stanley
British troops overpower Argentina and re-take Port Stanley, causing Argentina to surrender. -
Falklands Defeat
Leopoldo Galtieri, the military leader, resigns 3 days after surrender in embarrassment. -
Reynaldo Bigone
in 1982 government voted in Bigone right after Galtieri's resignation to temporarily lead the charge. -
Raul Alfonsin
Raul Alfonsin is now president and he, with the governments help votes in new power and charges members of military of civil right abusers. -
More Elections
After 6 years, Raul Alfonsin leaves office making the president position open for another election. -
Free Market Economy
Carlos Menem is now the 3rd president since Galtieri and allows Argentina to have a free market economy. -
Falkland Islands
Britain and Argentina finally communicate with each other and come to an agreement of the future of the exploitation of oil from the Falklands. -
5 Presidents in the Month of December
Argentina may have settled the Falklands argument with Britain but now they face an economic crisis due to the devaluation of the peso resulting in having 5 presidents in the month of December. -
1st Woman President
6 years and 3 Presidents later, Cristina Kircher wins the election and becomes the first female President of Argentina.