When Hosni Mubarak became the leader in 1981 in Egypt. Lot's of people where unsatisfied with the economy. A large amount of Egypt went in poverty and didn't have jobs. On January 25, 2011 the Egyptian revolution began. While all this chaos was going on 500 where arrested and some killed. After 18 day of the protest citizens won and Hosni Mubarak left office. The Military took charge. Now field marshal, Mohamed Hussein Tantawi is leading the country and they are trying to make a democracy. -
The leader Bashar al-Assad inherited power in the year of 2000. When he became leader he promised to reform the country but not much was being changed. Protests against Bashar started in 2011 because they where not satisfied with the government and how it was being ran. The Syria Government thought that the protesters gangs or terrorists, because of this 5,000 where killed. Still to this day Bashar al-Assad is still in power and the country remains a presidential republic. -
Tunisia Arab Springs
The protest was struck when a young man started himself on fire because the Government wouldn't give him a permit to sell fruit and it upset him so he acted out and wanted to get there attention so he decided to light himself on fire. This just made the country go crazy and the president at the time, President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, couldn't handle it and lost control. Him and his wife left the country in a mess on January 14.