Egypt Revolts
Although not the origination of the Arab Springs Egypt could be seen as considerably larger. Almost identical to the situation in Tunisia Egypt's ruler Hosni Mubarak was in power for 30 years. The Egyptians condition under Hosni's rule was definitely not good. Almost all of Egypt was in poor economic situations. Police violence was at an all time high and to top it off the government was as corrupt as could be. -
Egypt continued
Simple street demonstrations quickly became a national revolutionary movement. They were fighting to completely raise the government and in just 18 days they pulled it off. Not only did Hosni get removed from power but his NDP(National Democratic Party) went as well. -
Libya Revolts
Due to the success of Egypt and Tunisia removing their corrupt governments revolts started to spark everywhere. One of those places was Libya which was ruled by Muammar Gaddafi. Who was a corrupt dictator who not only massacred anyone who went against him but he also. Ordered the arrest of the man who was protecting the relatives of the over one thousand prisoners that were massacred by security forces. The revolts came fast and the people were out for blood. -
Libya continued
2 days after the riots broke out a day of rage was declared by the government and security forces began firing live ammunition on protesters. It was all in vain though within one day the protesters had taken over the Benghazi police station. The chaos spread and the protesters established a provincial government in Benghazi. After only a few days the protesters caught Gaddafi and they wanted him dead. He was publicly executed as a statement of their anger. -
Algeria Revolts
Although Algeria has not seen nearly the amount of violence and unrest that Tunisia and Egypt saw they did have to deal with revolts of their own. Mainly the people of Algeria wanted cable television to be broadcast-ed to the area which had been banned until then for over 40 years. This was not the only reason they also wanted poverty and job economy to be dealt with better as well. The revolts realistically only lasted for about 3 months and the current president remained in power. -
Syria Revolts
The wave of revolts was large in the middle east and of course it would hit Syria which was afflicted with unfair laws and reforms. The only difference in the Syrian revolts was that they simply wanted the laws to be changed the president being kicked out of power was not their main goal. The main law they wanted out was the one that got rid of some precautions towards civilians and military force. The law more or less allowed tanks and guns to be used to put down protests legally.